Assalamu Alaikum... How is all? I'm not fine. Because my point is almost now in freezing after mornings 😥 Is it will be okay Tomorrow??
Oh, it will be okay soon dear
Walaikum Assalam. Allhamdulillah I'm well by the grace of Allah. Thank you.go ahead.
Thanks a lot good night
Walaikum assalam,,,mine too
Ohho friend its so saddle
Waalaykom musalam warahmatulhi friend until now u hve low points. 😥 For me i gve u suggest it better to mke another acount.. Okay 😥 make another acount. But remember dont copy ur name sme ur present name now.. U should mke a anothwr neckname and use another email okay.. I hope this suggest can help to solve ur prublem😥
Thank you so much
owalikomasslam great artical se you again and do subscribe plz.
Done brother
No worries dear😥 Its happening with to almost everyone!
Okay hope it will be okay
Wslam am also face this problem (points freezing)