In this decentralization, I see two major drawbacks at least in Latin America.

As I understand it, the services that ecosystems run through to operate crypto assets are exchengers and are not decentralized. Therefore they do not keep the anonymity and privacy of people.

Obviously I am in favor of this technology and this transaction and in fact I believe in how personal the exchange model of the future is. But it is also fighting a battle at this level, and I wonder how to get total freedom in the whole circuit from start to finish of a transaction with cryptoassets, especially in what I call this "two problems". One is the input with the fiat money to change it to crypto and another is the output, which is when we want to convert that crypto to fiat money. In these two instances I see that the identification of the person is related, as well as the financial information and link that it has with its bank or entity ...

I mean, is there any way that I'm not aware of, so that the beginning and the end of such a transaction is really private, anonymous and decentralized?

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@emisoto posted 3 years ago
