I've been seeing you from across the room, for a long time now. Your laugh like honey, your smile like sunshine, your eyes like a star in the night sky. Sometimes, you're even the life of the party and sometimes you're just not yourself.

I know you cheer everybody up but in the dark, you feel alone too. I know, those days, you don't feel like trying or even smiling. I know you've been fighting for too long.

I know you've been betrayed by too many, hurt by too many, even the ones you call 'Your People'. The meltdowns you're having, the way you feel. I know it all and I understand.

It's okay not to be okay sometimes. The way you feel is completely normal. You made it then, you'll make it now. You're a fighter. And there's nothing to stop you from fighting. You're strong. Unbreakable. I admire you for who you are.

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@Novii posted 3 years ago
