When I was young, anytime my mum buys broken tomatoes, I always get uncomfortable and wonder why she buys the broken one when fresh one were sold also.

Friends, I was young and I didn’t have financial responsibilities of my own, I do ask her why she buys things like the tomatoes and some other related things as the tomatoes.

I can’t remember her reply anytime I ask her but me not remembering means I didn’t take her reply seriously.

But presently, anytime I go to by tomatoes (I live alone with one or two friends sometimes) I always ask the seller if she has broken tomatoes as now I have financial responsibility and I know that I would get more tomatoes if I buy the broken ones compared to the fresh ones.

Now I totally understand why my mum do buy broken tomatoes, both the fresh ones and the broken ones would be blended and I won’t matter if they were broken or not.

You can take this message and learn from this message in two ways;

  1. It doesn’t matter if you are broken presently in life, what matter is that you are of use to yourself and you neighbors
  2. Make the best of every situation you are in.
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@calebiane posted 2 years ago
