It has always been about depths, and darkness, and sad endings. It has always been about you, and him, and that guy I glanced at the street. Never about me. I was always the poet and never the poetry.

For writing about myself is like painting an abstract nobody can understand, it would be like a medley of songs nobody can dance, it would be a mixture of words nobody can comprehend. The brightest stars won't decipher the meaning because I am a paradox. Neither I can understand myself.

Writing about myself is like putting chunks of words, words that have always been there, simple and clear and perhaps, beautiful; but for some reason, foreign. I have always been a lover of words, but when I write about myself, words fail me.

It has always been about depths, and darkness, and sad endings, because all along, although the poetry isn't about me, I am the spirit.

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@Flyingcolors posted 3 years ago
