I read a post here in read dot cash, saying that one should not continually impart or publish article that is related about faith, or spiritual stand. I was shock a little while reading those things but I was not shocked at all, because I know that sharing about God and the His love will always be least for most of the people. It is not new for me, when I share about Jesus, when I share about the gospel most of the people I approach will hear you but will never listen well and ignore you. But when you share worldly stuff, bingo! They are hooked and will probably patronize you. It is sad, but I am not worrying at all, because I am certain of the truth that I believe in - Jesus Christ, and even many rejections and persecution that will come my way, I will not step back but rather raise the flag and share the truth with love. Good morning! God bless you!

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@JuanDisipulo posted 2 years ago
