Blissful Love

The idea of making love, of the movement and pleasure between man and woman, is to make the consciousness in which bliss is subsequently known for longer periods. Usually, bliss is short-lived between lovers in the stillness after making love, when all has been expressed. They pass quickly into sleep. But the point of making love is not just the making of the pleasure, but the being of the bliss that follows.

Supreme bliss is non-existence, such as occurs in deep dreamless sleep. For you are never as content, or more at peace or in bliss, than in that state. I’m saying all this to make bliss conscious, to bring the state of deep dreamless sleep more into your conscious existence.

Generally speaking, woman is naturally closer to bliss than man. It’s often her deepest disappointment that after making love with her, he soon has to be unnecessarily active; is unable to lie beside her or be in the stillness of bliss. It’s rare for two bodies to lie together for long in that stillness.

The ultimate bliss, however, is the stillness of being at rest in your own flesh - to be in bliss, here and now, and not dependent on any other body. But you cannot know this in the full maturity of love without having loved another body and known the bliss of it.

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@Readcashian posted 3 years ago


nice article dear ,keep it up 😍😍😍

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Nice article sis, your article post getting mature

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