I know it's not easy when there is confusion everywhere in life, there is no place to rest, when the heart is just about to close, nothing is visible, when there is no peace, sleep does not take the name, If there is a war with you, no one is around

But don't worry, all lies are deceptions, everyone here is deceitful, everyone feels their grief here, no one will take care of you here, but He will take care of you because He loves you so much.

I know when the world of the heart is desolate, when hopes begin to fall, when they stop with their daggers, when they are wrapped up in depression, there is no one to remember except God.

He all know but we still try to hide from Him and put hopes in human beings who only know how to break them can make their crumbs.Oh man, don't worry, good time will come, if not today, then tomorrow will surely come, then it will close the rivers of suffering.

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@aamir336 posted 3 years ago
