Worship is a fact of life. Everyone does it weather they realise it or not. Anyone who say that he or she does not worship is deceived. We worship something or someone by the very nature of who we are. God design us to give worship to someone else. The question is 'Who or what are you worshipping?'🤔 David called upon the people as a matter of solemn duty, to "give thanks unto the Lord.... and sing psalms unto him. In verse 1-6 of chronicles, David spoke directly to the Lord, but in verse 7, he spoke to those around him and gave witness to the blessing of the Lord. His words revealed his faith, for he spoke of his deliverance as already completed as he looked calmly at his enemies. David had more suffering and peril to experience before he would ascend the throne, but he was confident that the Lord would ser him through - and He did!

Thanksgiving ought to be the attitude each person has, for we each have received much to be thankful. This is certainly the attitude that God's people ought to have as God has lavished his steadfast love upon us through Jesus Christ. If God never gave us anything else, if there was no more blessing to receieve, God would still deserve our genuine thanks. One reason why we do not have a genuine attitude of thanksgiving, is because we think we are entitled to certain things. The truth is God does not owe us anything. Whatever we have is a gift He has given us.

We must not underestimate the power of testifying of what God has done to us, telling it to just one person could do more than what we think. Testifying is an act of thanksgiving and worship to God, also it edifies the listeners and the one who testifies, and it also opens up the way for more blessing and puts the Devil to shame and frustrate his plan and confirms our faith in God.

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@Sege posted 3 years ago
