Hats off to Vitalik Buterin (co-founder of Ethereum) for burning £6b Shiba Inu, but not before donating a shed load to charity along the way.

The makers had transferred half the minted tokens to Vitalik to "burn them", believing that Vitalik would do nothing with them. Vitalik did nothing for a few days and then donated a chunk to covid relief in India and another chunk to other charitable organisations, raising serious concerns among HODLERS that the currency was set to die a fiery death.

He has confirmed, however, that he has burned 90% of his SHIBA INU holding and has now asked for cryptocurrency makers not to ship tokens to his addresses in future as he doesn't want the responsibility of having that kind of power. In the end a bit of a win-win with Covid relief charities benefitting enormously, and Vitalik also not completely dumping the token and all of it's paid investors in the gutter.

Lessons to be learned by meme creators not to pull what has been deemed a massive publicity stunt that almost backfired miserably.

This time they and their investors were lucky; next time it may not be the tokens that get burned!

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@Samantha-Smith posted 2 years ago
