Now as I am looking at you I am experiencing epiphanies that are strangely satisfying. You're sitting still with an incredible poise and I can find myself contemplating hard over you, your shape, your presence, your demeanor, the broken fragments of past and the half done caricatures of tomorrow that constitute you so profoundly, that make you, you. I regret that I only saw the superficial things and didn't even look  harder, stared longer, comprehended better, when I was falling for you.

'Cause now as I am, I realize, you're easy to love when I see the truth of you, when I appreciate the fact that you are a proud product of the past events, that your ways of doing things have meanings I'm yet to discover.

I always knew that you were astoundingly beautiful, that's primarily the reason why I fell for you, but little did I know that your beauty was ethereal in ways I could never imagine.

Now as I scrutinize you, I realize that you are not just what I see, and what my hasty self thought. You are a concoction of a thousand complete and incomplete tales, that I know, I would love to learn.

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@Arcane_18 posted 3 years ago
