We are grateful to have received another large anonymous contribution to the Bitcoin Cash Node project on February 19th of 1000 BCH.
Thank you for the generosity, and we will put it to good use improving BCH as always.
We are in the process of setting up a "Sponsors of BCHN" section on our website, and would invite those who have donated to BCHN in the past, to contact us on our project Slack for verification if you are interested in having your organization/company listed on our page.
Slack invite link: https://join.slack.com/t/bitcoincashnode/shared_invite/zt-egg3c36d-2cglIrKcbnGpIQFaKFzCWA
We are grateful to have received another large anonymous contribution to the Bitcoin Cash Node project on February 19th of 1000 BCH.
Thank you for the generosity, and we will put it to good use improving BCH as always.
We are in the process of setting up a "Sponsors of BCHN" section on our website, and would invite those who have donated to BCHN in the past, to contact us on our project Slack for verification if you are interested in having your organization/company listed on our page.
Slack invite link: https://join.slack.com/t/bitcoincashnode/shared_invite/zt-egg3c36d-2cglIrKcbnGpIQFaKFzCWA