Part 3 of Transition Post:

Transition is basically a similar concept as the two things I did by myself back in the day. In it a small group of individuals use crypto tokens to team up with local communities across the world who need help and help cover vital parts of their infrastructure, education, food and clean water accessibility and other such things. Or they can even sponsor animal rescues, orphanages and do disaster relief when needed on the spot. The things I did just show a few of the options available to us, and since we can start small and scale up incrementally this can grow with the project.

Whereas each individual may do any or all of the following:

  • Give a few dollars of tokens per month to sponsorship
  • Do a few things to plan or help with coordinating the project
  • Market the project via word of mouth
  • Help make connections with various allies to further the project
  • Create resources or help find connections to provide resources

Through the inherent value of the Crypto currencies used for this endeavor make this so much more powerful than my initial trials using fiat currency and Western Union. In addition, all of this will help crypto adoption along the way and cut out the middle men completely. In due time we might even be able to decentralize the entire thing.

In this way individuals can team up to sponsor charity projects or they can choose sponsor families, first a few, then many. They will in the process integrate them into the crypto - based - decentralized - economic community where they can flourish and then perhaps help others out of poverty and oppression as well or help sponsor a future project in another sector of society. Of course as tokens are used in conjunction with this everyone who provides liquidity, buys and sells the tokens and otherwise boosts the crypto tokens used for this endeavor help it out as well.

This is a huge project, with a lot of potential - but also a number of challenges that must be met along the way. It's why I've been so careful with how I set up both Konra and Narath; why I spending so much time in community building. The situation with the Typhoon made it necessary to take action before the project was ready, with tokens that I just quickly allocated towards it. But it shows that using crypto tokens for this purpose is even more powerful than raising fiat funds.

Narath and Konra both are well suited to help in this project; so they will be used in different parts of this large endeavor.

Here is the basic run down of it:

  • It starts small, perhaps with a fund of two hundred dollars - a small core group of individuals can use their change, farmed income, or give up something small to purchase tokens on the market place, then pool these tokens together. Allocated funds from Narath and / or Konra are added to this. This should hopefully give maybe 200 $ or so per month which can uplift say 5 - 10 families in a single city and get ourselves at least one dedicated local coordinator. Since not all families will need every aspect of sponsorship, it'll allow us to do a tailored approach for what each family needs the most to thrive. Depending on which area we work in and the connections we make the entry cost for doing this could be only be a few dollars worth of crypto per month from each person participating. That means the barrier of entry is small, allowing more people who may otherwise not be able to help out to participate in this project.

  • As a community we have already and can make additional connections with people who directly are active in the city where we wish to sponsor families. Due to being in the crypto community we build trust or rely on our pre-existing networks to make this happen. These trusted coordinators can coordinate things locally in the area we wish to help; assure families receiving sponsorship are legit, help create networks to get resources cheaper, and arrange for things like job training or crypto resources being translated into their language.... Later on someone who was sponsored may become the coordinator for another group of families.

  • We then also make a small team to create resources to help those we help to navigate the crypto landscape; and incorporate them into a new more compassionate decentralized administration that's people centered and powered by blockchain and crypto. Narath's Newbie Guides will come in very handy for this, allowing us to onboard even individuals who never worked with Crypto before. We could even designate a small amount of the sponsorship funds to get sponsored families to build a smartBCH portfolio of their own, to slowly grow passive income for their families.

  • The funds raised and allocated could cover any or all of different aspects depending on the needs of those sponsored. It could cover education for their children, to assure they have enough food and clean drinking water, clothes and a place to rent. The funds can also cover job training or initial start up funds for a small business or even livestock or farming equipment to boost their income over time. It could cover basic medical needs if needed (say medicines or glasses).

  • To aid in crypto adoption the sponsorship can include communications' equipment such as cell phones with data plans which can allow them to set up Crypto wallets, get established on Noise Cash and / or get into DEFI on SmartBCH. All of these things are meant to given them a necessary hand up to help them thrive and bring them into the new economy. The key to massive crypto adoption is to find ways to get people out of the old economy and move them into the new economy, all the while empowering them enough so they never look back again.

*In exchange for this sponsorship beneficiaries and sponsored communities and families promise upon reaching a place of financial stability that they too will help other future families or participate in any of the transition projects. This allows us to scale up incrementally and boosts the power of the project for the long term.

There are several further ideas that can boost all of these multiplying their effect:

  • We can incorporate merchant adoption of crypto into this as well -- to help provide these things for families via sponsorship. A street food vendor may be set up to accept Narath or Konra (or BCH directly) to allow sponsors from around the world to fund slightly discounted meals for the hungry in the city or a local orphanage. Yes, your airdropped Konra can in this way do a lot of good!

  • If we want to involve non crypto minded people down the road we can make a fund where they can send traditional "donations / gifts" and then a trusted community leader can purchase the tokens, send them to the other community / sponsored families etc. It can be as simple as someone saying at their job "ok, I'm collecting all the spare change and all of it is going to the orphanage in Vietnam this weekend." They collect say 80$ worth of change from their coworkers, trade it into Narath at the market place, send this to a coordinator in Vietnam who trades it into local currency & then sends either the donation to the orphanage or purchases goods directly and brings those to the orphanage.

  • Another boost to this concept can be that the businesses that are set up by these families being helped provide some resources at a slight discount for those sponsoring other families in their city; or hire people for better wages. So say they get a clothing store or a farm, they'd give some things at discount to provide clothes or food for other future families in the project. There is a whole other way of scaling this aspect of it up too over time. The specifics can still be figured out and coordinated by the initial few sponsors who do the first few beta runs of this project.

  • If we use another thing the Konra project will create later on, the effectiveness of this can be boosted further via implementing a type of shared resources network in any community where we do transition.

The whole project is basically a solid way to uplift a few families or small groups of people in a community completely out of poverty and move them away from potentially being exploited by the system and greedy politicians WHILE simultaneously getting them acclimated to using crypto rather than fiat.

Since we're already spread across the world, with sizable communities in areas where poverty is rampant - where crypto can get adopted with ease - we are in a unique position to pull this off extremely well....

If we decentralize it and build enough strong connections to form a solid network across the world then anyone can help anyone else in any project anywhere in the world.

The Konra token ecosystem is being set up to fully serve as a back bone of this, since it's powered by BitcoinCash and lives on SmartBCH.

I expect to do the first Transition beta run & Sponsorships in this manner to begin sometime in 2022.....

Apologies for this long multi post, but ALL of this had to be said to explain it enough.

So any thoughts?

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@Hina45 posted 2 years ago
