There was once an old woman vendor who sell slice mangoes on the street. After awhile, there were two friends went to the vendor and buy some slice mangoes worth 5 peso per packed. One girl said how messy your place is; letting the old woman hear her comment. Her friend tried to stopped her from talking hurtful words but she just said " she deserve to hear that". With talking aloud to make clear that an old vendor can hear. "The vendor said, I am so sorry for the untidy looked of my selling place , I just came here abruptly and continue living to provide my son's medicine and to earned more for i need money for he might have an operation if he's not get well with his medicine." The two girls shocked and cannot speak outright. The girl realized how rude she was, she apologized for her actions to the old vendor.

Lesson, we didn't know exactly everyone's story . Each of us has own happy and tragic life so we should keep in mind to Think first before you Speak before we could hurt others.

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@RHONA posted 4 years ago
