benefits of 🍌 Banana ​Asslam.o aalaikum

​how are you.All.i.hope you.are All fine and healthy

​today my topic is Banana

​Today I will tell some such benefits of banana You will never refuse to eat banana

1 Blood Pressure

To lower blood pressure, spicy fruit can be given. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also acknowledged that bananas can be used to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Treatment of anemia

Women suffer from anemia due to intellect.Bananas are said to reduce the hemoglobin levels in the blood and to help women with anemia.

Treatment of heartburn

Eat a banana whenever you feel chest pain or burning

There are many other benefits of banana

I hope you will like this topic of mine

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@Ayezakhan posted 3 years ago
