TEACHING: Teaching is a good profession but most people shy away from it. Reasons, best known to them. Believe, you me. Everybody is a teacher and everyone can stand before the crowd and teach. You think it's false? Ask all those who started it and have advanced or progressed in it. It begins by killing your fears and inferiority complex and embracing confidence at its peak. Stuttering is no excuse. Although, it can't be completely killed but it can be controlled. Most teachers stutters and you won't know. It's a little secret of theirs. Next time you're called upon to teach. Have this in mind. If I can explain a thing to someone, definitely I'm a teacher. And, that makes me a teacher. Teaching has a whole lot of benefits. It strengthens the mind, gives you respect from your peers and parents. Colleagues even are not left out. Secret admirers are also born whilst you're in the business of it. Hahahahahahaha.

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@SmartMo101 posted 3 years ago
