Do I believe in ghosts, you ask?

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2 years ago

¿Que sí creo en fantasmas, me preguntas?

Claro que sí, aunque nunca vi a alguno, mis hijas si vieron un fantasma, un fantasma conocido.

Do I believe in ghosts, you ask?

Of course I did, although I never saw one, my daughters did see a ghost, a known ghosts

Todo ocurrió un día que mis hijas regresaban del colegio y se encontraron con una señora de la localidad, que era muy conocida por que siempre andaba cerca de mi casa buscando leña para cocinar y recogiendo abono para sus plantas, en ocasiones compartí con ella café o un vaso de agua y conversábamos. Aunque se trataba de una anciana un poco amargada con mis hijas y conmigo era amable y amistosa.

It all happened one day when my daughters were returning from school and they met a local lady, who was well known for always walking near my house looking for firewood to cook and collecting compost for her plants, sometimes I drank coffee or a glass of water with her and we talked. sometimes I shared coffee or coffee with her. a glass of water and we talked. Although she was an old woman a bit bitter with my daughters and with me, she was kind and friendly.

Cuando mis hijas llegan a casa ese día, me dicen que vieron a la señora en la calle y la saludaron, ella hizo como que no las vio y tampoco les devolvió el saludo. Al día siguiente vino a visitarme mi hermana que es enfermera y en ese entonces trabajaba en la emergencia del hospital, no sé cómo salió el tema pero mi hermana me comentó que a la señora la tenían entubada en terapia intensiva, sorprendida miré a mis hijas y ellas me miraron con los ojos bien abiertos y dijeron: ¡Pero tía nosotras la vimos ayer! Y mi hermana respondió: No son las únicas desde hace tres días que cayó en coma; muchas personas dicen que la han visto caminando en el pueblo y luego desaparece.

When my daughters come home that day, they tell me that they saw the lady in the street and greeted her, she pretended that she did not see them and did not return the greeting. The next day my sister who is a nurse came to visit me and at that time she was working in the hospital emergency room, I don't know how the issue came up but my sister told me that the woman was being intubated in intensive care, surprised I looked at my daughters and They looked at me with wide eyes and said: But aunt we saw her yesterday! And my sister replied: They are not the only ones for three days that she fell into a coma; many people say that she has seen her walking in the village and then she disappears.

Bueno amigos, como se acerca el día de brujas es bueno comenzar a contar historias de fantasmas y apariciones misteriosas ¿y tu crees en fantasmas?

Well friends, as Halloween is approaching, it is good to start telling ghost stories and mysterious apparitions. And do you believe in ghosts?

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Avatar for zulma2021
2 years ago


I can't imagine how scared they were when they found out that the lady was in a coma, I don't like those horror stories at all.

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2 years ago

If we get scared and although it seems illogical we also take it naturally because here in my town that has happened with other people, of course not everyone has the power to see these apparitions, I have never seen but I have sensed the presence of something or someone what I do not see.

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2 years ago