There is a Difference between Being Happy and Being Distracted from Sadness

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2 years ago
Date: 2022, April 8. Friday. @zheanders

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you're all doing fine! I just woke up and guess what, I'd decided to share with you an article. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Image from The Michigan Daily

Maybe you'd often wonder whether you're happy or distracted from sadness. Am I right? Oh I know you’re thinking about that now. You know what? I've been down in the dumps for a while now, and this week I realized something important: there's a difference between being happy, and being too distracted to be sad.

We all know those people who are happy no matter what the circumstances. They seem to remain content, forever joyful, and without a care in the world. But then there are those of us who tend to live with a more muted disposition. For whatever reason, even if we're happy about our surroundings, we find it challenging to remain fully immersed in happiness. Yes, being happy and being distracted from sadness don’t mean and feel the same.

Sometimes, it's easy to mistake happiness for distraction. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that if we're distracted, we'll never have to feel the pain again. But there's a difference between being happy and being distracted. To be distracted is to run towards something, to think of the next thing, or simply to numb ourselves from feeling. True happiness is when we are peaceful, when we accept what is, when we let go of wanting anything different than what is happening in this very moment.

Sylvester Stallone said, "Happiness is like a kiss…you must share it to enjoy it." Truer words have never been spoken. What you think is going to make you happy just won't do the trick. At least not forever. Sure, that new shirt might sound great right now, but if you're only buying it because you've had a bad day and need something to distract yourself from your problems – how long will it actually make you happy?

Image from Life in the Right Direction

We’re all in search of happiness, yes I also feel that way, but it can be reallly hard to pin it down. One thing that’s easy to understand is the idea that being happy is not the same as being distracted from sadness. When you think about it, most of life is just distracting yourself from sadness and pain. We live in an age where we are constantly faced with ways to distract ourselves: video games, social media, all kinds of online content, and even just reading the news. But eventually all those distractions can become kind of… exhausting. We're tired of scrolling through our feeds, tired of playing games, tired of watching shows we don't even care about in order to kill time. So often we do what we can to make ourselves feel better, whether it's eating some ice cream or watching a funny movie—anything to take your mind off the pain and suffering that seems so inescapable.

But there is a difference between feeling happy—even if only for a moment—and being distracted from sadness. I think this concept is incredibly important, especially considering how often people use distractions like drugs and alcohol to escape their sadness. If you really want to be happy, you have to figure out how to do it without using substances or other distractions that might hurt you more in the long run.

I'm not saying that the two are mutually exclusive, or even that they're necessarily at odds. I am saying that they're not the same thing. A lot of times people say, "I'm so happy!" And then you find out that what they really mean is, "I'm distracted from sadness." It's okay to not be happy! It's okay to be sad! The more we can admit what we're feeling, the better off we are. It helps us connect with people and it helps us get back to happiness faster.

There's nothing wrong with distracting ourselves from our pain by engaging in something fun. Sometimes it can help us cope. When we're dealing with something really difficult—like the death of a loved one, or a diagnosis we weren't expecting—it can be hard to just sit with that pain and let ourselves feel it. But sometimes those things are not necessary. As much as I want to avoid feeling the sadness when a friend dies, if I don't let myself feel it, then I won't truly mourn them. I won't learn how to live without them here.

I know it's hard to be honest about sadness when you feel like everyone around you is only posting about happiness. But know this: That's just social media. That's not real life. In real life, everyone has ups and downs and in-betweens. Talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to a therapist if you need one—and remember that all feelings are allowed!

It's not always about trying to cheer yourself up. Sometimes we have to make an effort to step away from whatever is distracting us so we can work through what happened, no matter how painful that might be.

That's all for today! Thank you and have a good day everyone! Keep safe always!

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Copyright, 2022 @zheanders All Rights Reserved.

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2 years ago


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$ 0.00
8 months ago

I really liked the way you discriminated between the two different concepts . Being happy and being too distracted to be sad. Although there is no clear border between these two concepts. But still we can get to know what side we are on by seeing are we dependent on things for happiness or not. We should try to find happiness within ourselves. Rather than relying on objects.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate them :)

You're right that the border between being happy and being too distracted to be sad is a blurry one. When I wrote this, I was thinking about the difference between happiness that is dependent on things and happiness that's not. But as we all know, things can also make us sad or cause other negative emotions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly you are right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've honestly gone through such phase where sometimes I can really fool myself that I'm not sad anymore but sometimes laying in bed at 1 AM sadness strikes again and I find out that I am just ditracted the few days. It is still a good step though in finding happiness because sometimes faking it will actually make. Being happy is a state of mind truly event occurence can make us happy but shortly, being really happy with who you are and finding joy with the things you do take so much time, patience, right mindset and focus on the things on our control.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I completely agree with you. This is exactly how I've been feeling! It's like, after a few days without feeling sad, I think I'm fine, but then something happens and it's back to the same old stuff. I think that sometimes when we pretend we're not sad (or not angry or whatever), it gives us space to be in a different state of mind, and that new state of mind starts to become more familiar, and maybe even real. As someone told me, "It is in sadness that we appreciate the value of happiness." And I guess it's true. I'd love to hear what you do to distract yourself. Maybe we could share ideas?

Thanks for sharing your experience with this!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I used to keep myself busy with work and being productive. Now I can devote my time here on and which is still a productive way to be away from our negative thoughts. I hope one day we can finally be truly joyful with our lives without the struggle to fake it and distract ourselves. Godspeed to us and keep fighting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As for me, I play mobile legends with my cousins and friends. Readcash also serve as my outlet to release all the negativities and stress in my body by putting them into words. And one of my secrets to calm myself is I go to the beach to watch sunsets and watch the waves. It is where I feel at peace

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Been in this situation, loneliness and sadness had change my mood into something bad which its hard and distracted me for my own happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing this! It's so scary when you feel like you're in a dark place and it's hard to see the light. I'm here if you want to talk more about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah its very hard and only God can made it to light up again our light. Ohhhhhhh thank you it was so glad knowing about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. I'm always here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this article. That's very true to our real life situation. When sadness distracted us in times of happiness. It's really hard to cope up two emotions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm so glad you could relate to the article! It's so true that sadness and happiness can get tangled up in ways that are hard to separate. I think it's important to remember that we're not supposed to be happy 24/7, though. It's healthy to have a range of emotions. Wouldn't you agree?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I might be sad but when I play football I totally forget about what's making me sad and that's a distraction from the sadness because when I'm done playing football, the sad reality hit back at me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sorry you're feeling sad! And it sounds like the football does help you feel better. It's awesome that you have something you can do to lift your spirits and distract yourself from the sadness. I'm glad you have that.

What's also great is that you can still get back in touch with what you're feeling after you play football. You don't need to push your sadness away, because it's a part of who you are. You can accept what's happening and still be sad, and still enjoy playing football. That's pretty cool!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Different explanations of two different types of mood. Well said. Admire it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for appreciating this article!

$ 0.00
2 years ago