Writing Alone Is Not Enough

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3 years ago

It's the last day of June. I thank God for seeing us all through this month.
I am grateful for everything achieved and even those not achieved yet which I had planned for June. I am trusting God that as he will usher me into the new month, he will give me all the tools and resources needed to accomplish every new task, goal, and target I set for myself.

While through an article today, which I would prefer not to mention the author.
I realized there were lots of blunders, grammatical errors, and flawed sentences construction.
I had a very hard time reading through and understanding what the writer was saying or trying to portray in his articles.
I did manage and try to see if I could grab anything from the article. I can't really say I did but I also felt bad.
I understand that English may not be his first language. Some people here English is their second language, some third.
Most people have trouble making up a good sentence without grammatical and English blunders.
A lot of people put up the effort to try and write well if not perfect articles to help their readers understand them.

I have even read from people that apologize at the end of each of their posts concerning their English or grammar. And if you must agree with me that 80% of those people write well or better still write to people's understanding but for some reasons, they still think it's not good enough and so they always apologize or they think they owe anyone an apology for their writings.
I will say, they don't really owe anyone an apology for the way they write or for trying their best.

If they could be so considerate about their audience and readers then I must say, such people, deserve some accolades.
But you see, while others are trying their best to better their flow of English and correct their grammatical errors in sentence construction and all, others don't even give a damn about it.
They feel that putting up an article is enough and most of them feel that making lengthy articles filled with blunders and so many grammatical errors is all that matters.
They don't even see the need to be corrected, neither do they get to improve.

It's not okay if one keeps making the same mistake over and over again.
It shows that either the person doesn't like to accept corrections or that the person just doesn't care or give a shit about it.
One can't say that he or she will keep writing the same way for over months with no sign of an improvement if he or she really wanted or desired the growth.

Writing Alone Is Not Enough

We are very free to give our opinions on this, but writing alone isn't enough.
You can make lengthy articles filled with trash, blunders, and errors.
Giving people a hard time to consume or even digest what exactly it is you are making up in the article.

Poor writing and English construction give people a really hard time reading or consuming other's articles. For some, it stresses their brain cells and frustrates their level of understanding. When a person tries so much to understand what a particular article is talking about, it frustrates them, and most times it makes those people leave the article and never go back to the author or writer to read from them.

Poor Writing makes one lose their audiences, their readers, and seven supporters and sponsors.
It kills one's aura and makes them never wanna come across your article especially if you are a type that doesn't like correction or that doesn't desire development and improvement.

There are different ways to help a person improve in their writing skill and ability.
Some people are always very glad to stop by and help those author who is having a hard time or trouble with their sentence constructions or grammar errors and blunders.

A good way to ensure that you aren't making blunders or grammatical errors when writing is with the help of Grammarly.com
No one is perfect and you can't always feel you know too much or that you know it all.
Grammarly.com helps you correct some wrong sentence constructions you felt were right. It also helps correct wrong spelling and grammatical errors.
All you need to do is to download it and add it to your keyboard.

If you must improve in your writing or way of writing, you also need to spend a lot of your time, reading and consuming articles from other writers or authors and not just reading them but also taking notes of their writing techniques, their use of English, and grammars.
Take note of the words and phrases they use and try to apply a few tips.

Ask for help when and where necessary. No one is an island. We aren't perfect and so we can't know it all. We all need people's help if we must furnish ourselves and be better people.
It's very okay to ask for help when you are in die need of it.
Don't be ashamed to let people know that English is your weakness perhaps because it's not your native language.
This way, you will easily get help when and where necessary.

Re-read your articles two to three times even before posting or publishing them to any blogging site you want it to be.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that you made a good English construction while writing it the first time.
Spend time to read and re-read your articles to be sure you have taken out the visible and notable errors and wrong spellings before publishing.

Use a good translator to help you with the English language. Some translators translate words literally as such, it messes up one's writing most times. So it's good to find out which translator works better for you and be sure it is translating according to your articles and not changing the way your write up was because if it does, it will end up giving you sentence blunders that don't even correlate with what your initial native language article was, so be very careful.

All things being said and addressed, writing alone is not and will never be enough.
So don't make the mistake of just putting up an article filled with blunders and expect to maintain your audience and supporters.
People might support you in the first stage or the beginning but after a while, they will stop if you aren't improving in any way.

Help yourself, build your audience, and don't lose them. Strive every day to improve, learn, and grow.

Hello readers!
Thank you for stopping by today to engage my article with your upvote and comment.

Thank you to all that sponsor me and my work, I truly appreciate it.


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$ 2.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for zellypearl
3 years ago


Re-read your articles two to three times

I'm guilty with that one. I only re-read my articles once. But I'll take note of this. Just like what you have said, we shouldn't have to repeat the same mistake again and again. Not that I have lots of errors, it's only minimal but still, there are errors. Thanks for this article! Learned a lot from it.

I have also noticed some of the things you have stated above. There are times when I am having a hard time to comprehend what's that certain user is trying to say because of too much grammatical errors. Sadly, I sometimes juts opt to not read that article. There are also users who are using such extravagant words which isn't helping their writings for they are not using it in the right way.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Speaking of extravagant words got me laughing because I know people who do this. I have seen a lot of them.

And most times after finishing with their article, I just laugh at myself seating and looking at the space trying to make out words from what I just read in their article lol Excess of anything spoils the whole fun lol.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol. I also know some users like that. Sometimes funny, sometimes I was left dumbfounded. Or worst, with a headache. Jk

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You can totally relate to this hahaha. What a headache 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ikr? Haha. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get their thoughts sometimes. Lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😂😂 same here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Writing alone is indeed not enough. We need to improve ourselves on a daily basis. Read, Check, Edit and Re-check even as we write.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. The things I mentioned. Thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, I do come across the same issue about article that shows a lot of flaws in their writing. They do not see it as a problem because they claimed that the reason they were being visited by TheRandomRewarder is because of the quality of their article. I do admit that English is not my first language but I do hope to use this platform to sharpen my writing skills.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

And it is very sad that because they are visited by the random rewarder, they feel it's okay to remain and be comfortable with their poor articles.

$ 0.00
3 years ago