Axie Infinity, my first two weeks

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2 years ago

I'm almost done my first two weeks playing Axie Infinity and I'm more hooked than ever. It's amazing how much it makes you think and break your head trying to win and be better.

At first light it seems like a simple game. You fight with a team of 3 Axies and each one has only 4 powers or abilities. It only has two modes, Adventure and Arena. And to top it all, Adventure mode is a simple level system and not so difficult to beat if you properly level up your Axies.

However, the simple introduction of the concept of energy already changes many things. Since energy means money in the Arenas, the fact that you only have 20 a day is an important detail. Because to do the adventures fast you must use energy to level up your axies. But of course, each energy you use in adventures is a possible victory in Arena that you did not take advantage of and therefore a gain that you did not have. But if you don't level up your axies then you gain adventure SLPs very slowly and you have to spend a lot more time on that, hehehe.

But what really breaks your mind as an Axie player is how many Axies combinations there are. The concept of "Breed" or reproduction of Axies is great. You have to reproduce two for a third to be born. But he inherits the parts of his body (which define his stats and abilities) from his parents and not only from the parts they have, but from his recessive genes. In other words, those who are dedicated to breed have to take all those genes of the parents into account to know with what parts and genes the child will come out.

This whole mechanism has several consequences:

  • There are players who reproduce any two axies or without taking much into account their genetics and as a result an axie is born so mixed that they do not combine their abilities well.

  • There are more skilled players who do properly choose parents with pure genetics so that their children inherit the characteristics that are also pure.

  • There are even more skilled players who, using this mechanism, breed an axie that is apparently a mixture of several things. But when you examine it well, you realize that its abilities are not random at all but rather a very specific combination. This is how a real monster is born, hehehehe.

The upshot of all this is that the combination of axies that you can encounter in battle is huge. And added to this, the way in which each player makes decisions because each battle is completely different and you have to constantly be thinking about how you can win.

Just great !!!

My team

This is the team I'm playing for right now. It is not a bad team, it is not one of the best but it is not that bad either. It allows me to stay above 1000 MMR relatively easily and almost always above 1100 MMR. I still think I have a lot to learn and gain experience in battles. I think that with this same team it should be almost permanently above 1300 MMR but well, little by little. After all, I've only been playing for 15 days.

So far the teams in my rank that give me the most work are those with beasts. The Beast-type axies do more damage to plants and also have high morale and with good damage cards and give a lot of critical. The result is that they destroy my plant very easily.

However, putting my plant at the back and as it has “Bidens” and “ZigZag” I can defend myself quite well in the one on one. The Aqua axies practically can not win my plant and I also defend myself quite well from the others. Even against the "terminators" who annoys a lot of people, I more or less can handle almost every time.The highest I have reached, hehehe

The highest I have reached, hehehe

But, 1 vs 1 against the beasts is a waist and against another plant that has "Rose Bud" the same. It just keeps healing until the "BloodMoon" kills me. Those two if I still don't know how to beat them.


So far I have done 1701 SLP in 16 days for an average of 112 daily. The truth is not very high, but they also gave me the scholarship with 820 MMR and I had to raise it little by little, so the first days were low.

I also didn't have much experience because I had never played, had studied a little, but never really played. Also, like 4 or 5 days later Axie's season changed and I had to fight all the lions at 1200 MMR and went down a bit again until I managed to recover.

If you remember, my scholarship is 25% therefore 1701 SLP, mine is only 425 SLP. If we calculate them at the current price of the SLP it is approximately $27.9 US dollars. For the next fortnight I should be clearly better so I predict that I would be making around $65 a month.

It is very low because, as I said, the scholarship is a very low percentage, only 25%. But until I get something better or manage to buy my own equipment, there is nothing to do. At least I am gaining experience with the game and the strategies.

If any Manager who assigns scholarships reads this publication and is interested in offering me something better, I am open to proposals too, hehehe


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Thank you all…

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2 years ago
