I love the existence of cats. If I see it on the road, I can't stand it, I take it in my arms and kiss it. Sometimes even at the cost of getting a paw kick. I think they're so cute. Even though my boyfriend says to leave cats and take care of me more, I can't help it. For example, you can say dogs are cute, yes they are, but cats are very different to me. I have a black cat in my house I found it on the street. It wasn't even 2 weeks old yet. it was very small. I bought a breast milk-like powdered milk from the vet clinic and fed it like a baby. It woke me up at 2 am. I was preparing milk for him like his mother. He found me because I needed him. He needed me too. By the way, his name is KARAM. I'm sure he'll be a noble and perfect cat when he grows up. I love karam

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@zehrakcan posted 1 year ago
