Not so productive Sundays

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2 years ago

So as I have said, Sunday is the only day that I don't have to go to work so I prefer to spend it with my kids at home, para naman makabawi sa mga panahong wala ako diba.

Well, Sunday for me should be spent on Church Worshiping God but I have not done it for long now but it does mean that I don't worship and Pray to God anymore.

Yesterday, I spent the day with my kids. The two older kids went with thier Wawa to go to church but came back around 1 pm.

the plan

My husband and I planned on putting fertilizers on our cassava plants on yesterday. It will be my husband's duty day but there were no barangay officials in the barangay hall so he will be able to escape for some time. Our little farm was located just beside the barangay Hall, and doing so won't be a problem at all.

but this happened

in the morning, my head hurt so bad

Earlier that time, my menstruation started and so did my severe headache, but don't worry, I'm just kidding! My head ache stronger that what I have felt the day before it came. I was supposed to do the laundry but it's so bad so I left it and lie down to minimise what I felt. Czak was with me the whole time so I let him borrow my phone so he will stay in one place and I was glad that he behaved well at that time.

I was constantly burping, my back aches because of panuhot so I used liniment on my back but I did not feel even a bit better.

I fell asleep at noon

My husband came home from his work to assist me but Czak fell sleepy and I lay down with him to make him sleep but I fell asleep too! Oh my! I had a very good sleep for over an hour. I woke up to the sound that my husband made from chopping the firewood. That sleep made me feel better but not for very long.

The plan was to eat before 12 noon if I let Czak's sleepiness pass, it will be gone so I set aside my hunger.

we had poridge for lunch

Every Sunday, I intentionally cook plenty of rice in the morning so that I will never have to cook rice for lunch. When 10am came, I became hungry so I made a poridge out of the left over rice. There is a "tableya" that my mother made last December and I incorporated it into the pot. I also added sugar to make it delicious. Tableya is made from. Roasted cacao seeds, and it is one of the ingredients in making chocolates. I was even finding a video on how to make chocolates out of it but I still had no luck yet.

As I said, my girls arrived at 1pm from church so we had lunch at the same time, I was very hungry at that moment already. I was worried that my husband won't eat champorado but he did and I was glad because we didn't have a viand left from breakfast. We finished what I cooked so I made another for Czak so that he could eat when he wakes up which he did an hour after.

Czak ate plenty because I told him it was chocolate in his food.

I broke my sewing machine

While waiting for Czak to wake up, I played with my sewing machine. I have not worked with it since I was able to make a dress after buying because I have been busy with crochet. Palaling's dress is long sleeved and it feels so hot so I decided to cut the sleeve off and sew. I was about to finish when the machine was kind of forced in the part where there is a thick fabric to be sewn.

I guess something inside was disaligned. It will not run when turned on but will do good when I do it on reverse. I was being careful not to break it but things happen. I wish it will be fixed, for I was not yet able to make panties out of it and that was the very reason why I was very motivated to buy that kind of sewing machine. I felt bad but it didn't make things better.

I scolded my kids in the afternoon

Aelie had been watching videos in the whole afternoon and I told her to read. Her focus was not on what she read so she was not able to read the book. I taught her many times on how to read the word, she must have moved on to the next but she keeps on repeating to read the word and she didn't do it right. I got angry and scold her of using phone too much.

Palaling had been very kiat too, I told her many times to behave but she didn't and made me scold her.

Czak has been climbing on me while I was mending the fire for cooking , I told him that we will play later, I fear that he will get hurt with the fire but he didn't listen, he cried and insisted to breastfeed instead.

My kids were a little out of control, too much time on being at Nanay's place made them all spoiled brats and I don't want that, they were free to do anything and will be given of every whims they made. I hope these kids will understand why they need a good behaviour soon.

So this is how my not so productive Sundays went. Not much has happened but Aelie said she was sorry for not focusing on reading, and I said sorry I ran out of patience too. My husband didn't sleep in the house last night, it was his schedule for duty yesterday.

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This article had been sitting on my draft since I forgot when, but I was able to finish now since I remembered how my Sunday went. From the morning till 3 pm, I was still feeling so bad, I was just glad that I am feeling better now. Thank God for this.

Anyway, thank you for reading my post. See you around.

Horaaay! Another piece in the draft area is published.

Have a good day you all.

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2 years ago


A good time spent with family is always special that one can always recall up to his old age.As a working mom I always crave to spent quality time with my kids.Time grew swiftly that I never noticed they're already grown up teens.Now inorder for me to go with them in a growing internet world I tried hard to learn roblox ,ML & minecraft to have bonding with them at their leisure time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's good. I do. Love spending time with them, I even wished to take a civil service exam to get a slot in the government, In thta way, I'll have a 5 day work and will. Spend time with my kids dtlring weekends

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2 years ago