Benefits of pineapple for health

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Fruit, Benefit
Friday, 29 April 2022

In addition to its delicious and refreshing taste, there are many benefits of pineapple. This fruit is also often used as a mixture in cooking to make jam. Pineapple itself is a tropical fruit that knows no seasons. Behind the sharp skin, pineapple has nutritional content and is rich in vitamins.


Here are some of the benefits of pineapple for health that have been proven:

Rich in nutrition

Pineapple is a fruit that is classified as low in calories but has abundant nutrients. Pineapple also contains vitamin C, manganese, copper, folate, potassium, magnesium, niacin, iron, and vitamin A.

Vitamin C is essential for growth and development, a healthy immune system and aids in the absorption of iron from food. While manganese is a natural mineral that helps growth, maintains metabolic health and has antioxidant properties.


Pineapple is not only rich in nutrients, but also contains healthy antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that help the body fight oxidative compounds. Oxidative is a condition in which there are too many free radicals in the body.

These free radicals interact with the body's cells and cause damage associated with chronic inflammation, a weakened immune system, and many dangerous diseases.

The benefits of eating pineapple will be sufficient intake of flavonoids and phenolic acids that function as antioxidants.

Smooth digestion

The next health benefit of pineapple is to launch the digestive system. Pineapple contains a group of digestive enzymes known as bromelain. This enzyme functions as a protease, which breaks down protein molecules, such as into amino acids and peptides.

Once protein molecules are broken down, they are more easily absorbed in the small intestine. This can be especially helpful for people with pancreatic disorders, a condition in which the pancreas cannot make enough digestive enzymes.

Reduce cancer risk

Cancer is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Its development is usually associated with an increase in the number of free radicals and chronic inflammation.

Several studies have shown that pineapple and its compounds can reduce the risk of cancer. This is because the benefits of pineapple can minimize oxidative compounds and reduce inflammation.

Relieves symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis or arthritis is inflammation that occurs in one or more joints, causing the joints to become stiff. There are many health benefits of pineapple for treating arthritis. Because pineapple contains bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties, it is generally considered pain relief for people with arthritis.

Speed ​​up post-surgery recovery

Who would have thought the benefits of eating pineapple can also speed up the recovery of people who have just had surgery. This is largely due to bromelain's anti-inflammatory properties.

Bromelain is believed to speed up recovery from strenuous exercise by reducing inflammation around damaged muscle tissue.

Can be a diet menu

Pineapple has a sweet and sour taste so it is suitable for food additives. Pineapple prices are also very affordable and are available all year round in the market.

Itulah beberapa manfaat buah nanas untuk kesehatan bagi kita, dan mengonsumsinya setiap hari juga lebih baik.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Health, Fruit, Benefit
