Do you know one or are you a window waver yourself?
"Window waver" it reminds me of elderly or sick people staying behind their window waving at you when you leave. They no longer show you out, wave at you at the front door, or walk along with you till the end of the road or corner.
Suddenly the window waver, a person who exists as long as I can remember, is typical for people who have to keep social distance, are not allowed to let visitors inside, because of the corona restrictions.
They want us to believe these days there are way more window wavers than before the lockdown.
I have strong doubts about it even if a device counts as a window and is used for chatting while watching each other the waving did not increase. I question if those who do end a chat or a conference wave at each other.
Waving is something out of the past, my past. We may lift a hand these days, on rare occasions we shake a hand, and even more rare is the hug. In our modern time showing a middle finger seems to be the most popular sign.
If you live alone, have no family, no one visits you or you are not allowed to have a visitor because you live in a nursery home, not one single person will ever wave at you or... lift a hand.
Imagine you are that person. You sit or stay in front of your window and see people pass by, the world passing by day after day. A world you are no longer part of. Imagine no one cares about you or greets you, will stand still for a second and smiles at you.
Now imagine how you would feel if someone did, if you are noticed.
A greet or a smile... it's just a small gesture. It doesn't cost you anything but it can mean the world to someone.
Hmmm.. This brings out water, how I wish this article could be seen on every social media . The window waiver are in big prob now