We went to the town hall for my child's driver's license. The past days I spent time making lists of what to do if we go outside and in between, I said "but at least you have your driver's license" to keep the spirit high.
"No, I have not", was the answer.
We made an online appointment for one o'clock.
ID, proof of address, etc was handed over. Next, it had to sign and a photo was made. After that, the employee went back to his desk and told us he could not find my child ever passed. Huh?
We went to the driving school. The lady asked the head office over the phone what was wrong while my child and I filled out a paper to ask the money for the theory lessons back (if you passed you can). Next, we went to the shop to buy an envelope to be able to post it (the post office was on my to-do list).
Endless discussions in the small shop where it smelled terrible. Most likely something with a lot of sugar?
"What is the kid doing there," mine asked.
I said it was probably hers but why it wasn't at school. The chit char went on, no one bought anything. I had it with it.
"Let's go I have envelopes at home."
As we opened the door the lady asked if she could help us.
Next step back to the city hall. The lady from the driving school office gave us a number. With that number, the employee should be able to find it.
Back at the town hall, the doorman told my child to make an appointment.
Of course, my child was ready to leave but not me. I made an appointment and am not coming back because that employee can't read what is obvious there.
"I made an appointment and this is the number..."
'Don't make my mom angry' is what my eldest always says. The doorman decided to ask and two minutes later the same guy helped us and... I had to leave to get the doctor's attest out of the car. Again showing all papers...no photo and signing this time. Once back we were back on the street 5 minutes later. The mailman (in our case woman) should deliver it at home. Most likely that will take a week or longer (depends on the weather circumstances) and we have to pick it up at the post office.
Our next step was the post office. Paying the lousy internet, posting the letter.
After that one shop for bread for the bus-child and liver and bones for the wolves, the next shop for dog food, cheese, and milk.
Garbage. No one picks it up we have to take it away ourselves (some people burn it in their garden). There are containers for plastic, cans, glass, and paper. If you didn't know it tetra packages belong in the same one as plastic. In some places cans too. The best moment is to get rid of the trash. Imagine you have to keep it at your place. Would you buy less? What a waste a person produces.
Next, it was time to fill our bottles with water. The child wasn't in the mood. It's dark outside and cold. An ugly dog watched us and decided to come closer and lay down. The child could drive home the last part and take the shopping out of it and park the car while I stumbled inside. My foot hurts and I needed to take off my shoe. Strange how shoes suddenly hurt. I never noticed it as I bought, and tried them.
Back home I was still busy. I needed to cut the liver, feed the wolves, and put all official documents back in a safe place. No, I didn't cook. I was too tired plus I want to play a game (to earn Litoshi) and my bed waits. Tomorrow I need to wake up at 5 a.m. again.
December 10, 2020
If you play games any way you can earn. How you can read here https://bitcoinaliens.com/?ref=2435413&game=8&pf=2
Prompt: today
Egg timer set
Grammarly run
Good luck with that driver's license and all and with the unending chores. I still need to learn how to drive soon ;-;