The shot against covid-19

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How eager we are to introduce a vaccine against the next threatening illness. I would love to say threatening for humankind but this isn't true. Animals are (on purpose) infected with COVID-19 by humans and many humans are infected and their life isn't in danger at all.

Let's put this straight. Of all registered infected people over 2/3 recovered. By now the most infected people are teenagers till around 20 years old. Those people do not feel sick at all and they all will survive.

In a country of 19 million people, not even 14 people with COVID-19 are on intensive care. Among the elderly, not even 1.6% is infected.

If the largest group cures are not ill and cure this means all those people most likely are immune. Do we need a vaccine? The next vaccine to those 40 many people already receive in their life? Is it worth taking the risk of all those side effects and more autoimmune diseases?
Some people believe it is and that's why the government ordered 15.5 million vaccines. Strangely enough those vaccines we're already ready months ago. At that time we hardly knew anything about this "new" member of the SARS virus.

Some people volunteer as lab rabbits and the British AstraZeneca is happy with it. Don't worry it will not be tested on hundreds of people. This is not the way they work.
Yesterday AstraZeneca announced they temporarily stop testing their vaccine against the coronavirus. One of the test persons became seriously ill (myelitis transverse). A sick testing rabbit is a good reason to stop, think, and investigate what went wrong. If this pharmaceutic developer and producer in Oxford will think it over, investigate, and give up is not very likely most likely the test rabbit will be replaced by someone else (none smoker, healthy, not overweight but a sportsman).
We learned from history (the Mexican flu) a deal is a deal and many countries already ordered millions of vaccines. This vaccine will be sold, many will receive it and most likely the first part getting ill or dropping dead will be swept under the carpet (sorry people you were warned and it was your own free choice).

I wish you all wisdom and a healthy life without side effects and remember if you get ill the pharmaceutical industry will be happy.

#kittywu #covid-19 #vaccine #side-effects

$ 0.25
$ 0.25 from @TheRandomRewarder


Nice post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But wait, the animals got the virus from humans? I thought people are infected by the animals? hmmm Newsssss

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No not the cats, ferrets, minks, etc. How the virus came into the world is still not 100% sure but most likely it is developed by humans on purpose.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see. I thought it was because some people ate an animal that's not supposed to be eaten. I thought that animal consists of something that reacts bad to humans..

Anyways, nobody still knows the whole truth behind this issue..

I start to really believe that zombie apocalypse isn't so impossible because of human minds' ability. I always think that these kinds of things are not inconceivable because of science. Everything has scientific explanations. And based on what I read and watch about them, there are origins how it can be probable.

don't get me wrong, though, it's not like I'm looking forward to it. I just think it's not impossible, that's all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No that is not the way you can be infected.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have been fed by useless facts... This media is no unreliable. 😅 That's what they said. They said some people ate bats and that infected them and made them ill. Then it spread. They say that's how this all started in that place and that's how it spread all over the world. That's why many people are now irritated with them and their race also got embroiled in those irritations. People are drawn to dislike their race because of that information. And I think, whether it's true or not, we should not hate a race for some of their people's mistakes. There's no excuse in being a racist. It's unacceptable no matter what justification may come up..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course it is not reliable. They tell us a lot but not the truth. If it comes to my government I see more and more restrictions. They use the pandemic for their higher goals, as an excuse. They took away our right of referendum, said all those with alzheimer can be killed, no healthcare/hospital bed for 70+, the elderly have to stay home while the young ones can go out, the givernment wants to rule longer, etc etc. Overweighted people are a high risk. Why not start a campaign and make them lose weight? Not one word about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Who are we supposed to believe then. They should be the one we get insights accurately. People do business all the time and don't care about the truth. Honesty rarely happens or given by medias. Government play a big role on how they give news. Government should almost always look good in news. Making restriction is what some politicians' intention for running in the first place. They are not all genuine/sincere. Some politicians use the pandemic for corruption. They don't care about what people needs. Whatt??? Alzheimer patients should be left dead??? What kind of intuition is that? They just don't care for elderly. Well, elderly are not allowed to go out here too. It's quite understandable to other citizens here. They are prone to the virus and majority of the elderly here live with one of their children or some relatives for them to be taken cared of. We don't bring them to some institutions where strangers will take care of them. Elderly being taken cared of by the family is most likely our traditon here in the Philippines. That's why authoratives made a decision not to let them go out for now. Just be on their home and yard. 😊 Their family/relatives can take care to whatever they need to do outside for them elders .

Well I haven't heard of that one regarding overweights. It doesn't seem to bother people here. Maybe authorities are used to dealing with overweights and didn't see it as one of the high risks. 😄

I can go all night (it's almost 2am here) and tell things that I don't agree with how things are dealt with. But it wouldn't even matter. People will still do what they think is better based on their own understanding

$ 0.00
3 years ago

News here is where I live, however, states there are more people dying than recovering and more old people (seniors) younger people. That's why people are really eager to have the vaccine that they think (or at least how they're informed) is the best way to get immune to the virus and live.

People are afraid. Others say that they are scared to have a check-up when they have a flue because they might be taken as probable COVID positive patients and be isolated for 3 weeks immediately.

I don't know anything about the vaccine or anything that scientifically really explains the virus honestly. But I am scared for my kids. I take extra precautions and making them as healthy and clean as possible. That way, they might have enough strength to fight the whatever needs to fight health-wise...

I still hope this all ends, though. Be back to normal. And that people learned and be more cautious...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is so far what we know about the virus. The highest amount of people infected (not really feeling ill or not ill at all are teenagers till mid-twenties, after that around 30 years old. After that children, 50+, 60+, and elderly people.

Elderly people are hardly infected but if so the chance of getting seriously ill is way bigger. Why? If you ask me because their health is not taken well care of for years. Huge lack of vitamins, minerals, good food.

What do we know more? We infect others with body fluid, if we speak (spit), laugh (spit), kiss (spit), cough (spit), etc. The virus is found in sperm as well most likely it will be in sweat too.

This virus is killed by high temps. A car in the sun will disinfect your clothes, stuff in 20 minutes. Dryers do the same.

Face masks are not effective. Keeping distance and ventilating is. Those who spread the virus most are not the sick patients who cough and sneeze. What they cough out will drop on the floor. Distance is effective enough.

Infections happen inside. Those who infect others are infected but do not (really) feel sick. While they speak they spread the virus. In.this case the parts spread is very small and float through the air. It floats around for hours even after the person left and infects many who pass by/enter the room. Ventilating is the only option. Ventilating in a way those aerosols do not drift into the faces of others.

Washing your hands will keep you safe from many bacteria, just like being proper. These all are extra things one can do but it alone will not prevent us from getting ill.

With us, children go to daycare and school. If you do not feel well you stay home.

I think we will live with the virus just like we do with the hundreds of others we already share our life with.

I am not afraid my children will catch it or get seriously ill. Neither will I and you can believe me although I do not meet many people a week I did shake hands in the past months, I traveled abroad, I walk outside without a facemask, I met people at school, and do not disinfect everything I buy before I take it inside. To me, it is just a virus.

My autoimmune system isn't great, daily I suffer from allergies but I do not smoke, am not overweight, do not drink, and take my vitamins. There's not more one can do. My children need a life, so do I. The only thing I don't do is kissing, hugging and I keep distance. It's something I always do. I do not like crowds.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Here the most infected as far as I heard are around 40s, 50s and older. There are also children and teens and young adults as well but in the news, there are more 40s above of age. They said, because old people's immune system are more vulnerable than and they are more prone. Especially those with health issues like asthma, highbloood pressure, diabetics, etc.. And heard there are what we call assymptomatic-those who don't show symptoms but really infected and was claimed be may be the easiest to treat as they seem to have strong immune system.

Virus is found in sperm???!!! oh because it's still liquid.. I see.. Basicallly, anything fluid that comes out to the infected's body.. Hmm Okay..

Yeah I heard they are killed by high temps. Then you should be thankful for one very hot day. But others say it's not yet validated. I really don't know what to believe with all the news already. 😳

They said it actually depends on the facemask you use and how you use it. Funny thing is, people put in on their chins sometimes instead and just fix it when there's authorities. 🤗 So yeah I can agree they are not that effective haha I don't understand why authorities here don't let husbands/wives to ride on a motorcycle together. They need to have this shield between them that can actually cause an accident. It can affect the flow of the wind, for Christ's sake. And I also don't understand why they think social distancing in an air conditioned bus would really help. Isn't the wind just circulate around the bus for who knows how long no matter how far you are seated from the other passenger? Windows and doors are shut down. Where the hell is the virus gonna bounce/fly? 😄 yeah distance for open areas will help. But for closed areas, I doubt that.

Inside the house or community. You can be sick but asymptomatic. They will interact with people close to them. Those that live with them, those neigbors they talk to without proper shield and mask, everyone that that they interact with. That's right it floats and/stay in things for hours waiting for the next victim.

Yep proper hygiene. Even before this pandemic hits, proper hygiene is already suggested for everyone. Everyone just ignores it unless they see results that are really alarming. It's human nature, I guess. Prevention is better than cure, right?

Here, pupils/students are not yet advised to go to school. They are opt to online classes and modular type or learnings. They can't risk their health.

This is our new normal, I guess. People are slowly getting used to it without even realizing it.

This where we differ in views and feelings. I worry so much that my lids will have it. Or do you mean you are confident that you and yournkids won't get wont. Your views differ from mine in this. I take the virus seriously, I think. Maybe that's because how we were informed. Or maybe I'm just really scare.

Same as mine, I often have allergy attack. I have allergic rhinitis. Yet I smoke occasionally which has been reduced because of this fear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The first people to volunteer for these vaccines are always "guinea pigs." In some cases they are paid to inject them. Worth it?

Personally, I don't think I want to use that vaccine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, here it is the same. A part is paid for it but it's not worth all the daily tests, trouble and the risk of seriously getting ill for the rest of your life which happened to those who had the vaccine against the Mexican flu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And they are only talking about a case of spinal problems in one of the volunteers. How many more volunteers will suffer from other minor illnesses and are not telling the truth.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for this update. I still not trust the vaccine hays

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is good not to trust them. It's more about which country has the first vaccination. Not which one is the best.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very satisfying article for me. Even I'm not always watching news about covid 19 I also learned and read the observation and articles of someone like you .We just need to boosed our health/immune system so that virus will not cover our body.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree. We need to boost our immune system. Most of us have a huge lack of vitamins and iodine. Iodine kills every virus and bacteria within 30 seconds. A good night rest and keeping distance should help too. The group being autoimmune will increase fast and the only question left is: Will this virus mutate? If that happens the vaccine is useless.

$ 0.00
3 years ago