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Not one word

Being a chief inspector isn't an easy task especially not if it means the mess someone else made needs to be cleaned up. With mess Fidelo not meant the mulch pile in front of his window but the closed file that turned out not to be filed at all. After all these years it was his first priority. He knew there was something wrong and with wrong, he meant seriously wrong. What made or better who made all those people lie? The entire day he had posted in and questioned the people living in Jim's neighborhood. Most of them were elderly people. They knew more. Not one of them dared to look him into the eyes. They treated him as if he was a leper or as if he intended to infect them with Aids or Covid-19. Only twice someone insinuated Mrs. Gordon knew more before they slammed the four into his face. The woman turned out not to be at home, didn't answer her phone either.

He decided to let an officer post in the street. Just to be sure, to keep an eye at the woman's and Jim's place.

"This investigation will attract attention and Jim changed. It's possible someone will pay him and his sister a visit soon."

The young officer he spoke to nodded, wrapped his freshly baked rolls in a piece of paper, and left the headquarter. He was one of the few officers who earned the chief's trust and willing to invest as many hours as needed to find out what happened with the girl that disappeared. A little girl who was, if she was still alive, a woman of his age by now. He wondered what she looked like. Would her father recognize her if she stood in front of him? Twenty years is a long time, they will be strangers.

#kittywu #freewrite #story

$ 0.12
$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder


Nice sis, Please subscribe me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! You can make this into a book! I hope the officer will uncover the mystery of the missing girl. What a noble man.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I could but it is not possible where I live unless it will be translated. Besides I need an editor. Editing is hard if you can only use a mobile phone. Thanks for reading. I hope the chief figures it out.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Will you be making a story series now too?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't know. Should I? I am not really good at it and the contest is confusing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wasn't talking about the contest but i was fascinated by the flow of it ;;w;; it's coming out really like a series that I just want to read the continuation the soonest

$ 0.00
3 years ago