You drink to make life easier, to forget problems and it helps you to relax? You tell yourself you deserved it after a day of hard work, and use it for an excuse to empty one bottle after the next? Know you can't fool yourself or your brain. Even if you are unconscious the problems remain. This means you need to drink more to feel a bit better for a very short moment only. The sleep of a drunk is not like the same as one who is in control of his own life. You can not put your conscious at sleep but you can kill your brain and damage your organs.
The more you work the less time is left to worry.
It might sound strange but working hard for basic needs changes the perspective on life. You cannot compare such a life with the worries of those who are working to achieve higher standards of living are forced to pay bills that do not exist in your life.
In the first case, you have hardly time to worry you need money to buy food. You get out of bed, eat, work, come home late at night, eat, and are too exhausted to set one foot in front of the other which means you go to bed. There's no time or money to go out and relax. The main worry is waking up in time and will the employer pay.
If you work for higher standards more worries will cross your path.
You might get a loan, people think you are "rich" if you buy something new or have a steady job and they knock on your door, will you answer?
You work many hours a day and feel the pressure of society, your employer, your family, friends, the bank, and the bills pile up.
All those high expectations... to fit in and being accepted is a heavy task if pretending to be someone else is required. It makes one feel lonesome, empty and the loss of identity will nag. If expenses are higher than the income there's a problem, a huge dilemma that needs to be solved as soon as possible. Ignoring the facts, the reality, fearing what the beloved ones think or say is no reason to keep the silence and start drinking.
Alcohol doesn't solve only creates new problems.
An alcoholic isn't wise, a person not able to face life.
Being out of money means you can not spend it on alcohol. If you manage to get that amount why not buying healthy food and start paying off debts instead?
The way out.
Write down your personal situation. What causes you sleepless nights, what excuses you use to drink, for which amount do you buy alcohol, what is it you want for you, are your dislikes, what are your earnings, expenses, debts, what are ways to reduce your expenses (cook yourself, moving to a cheaper house/area, asking for help clothes/shoes, things you need).
Action is a reaction!
It is what makes one feel better. A good insight, the facts, make clear which steps can be taken, what needs to be solved. It shows the main issues created. Yes, created by the one in need himself. How? By ignoring the facts, by not being honest, by not admitting you are not doing well, not asked for help and being firm enough to say no!
A successful person knows what is possible and knows himself, doesn't waste time and money on what doesn't benefit him in the first place. A successful person dares to say NO.
It can be scary and hard to meet the real you, to explain to family and friends why your "yes" changes into a "no!".
How will they respond, perplex or supportive and will they still hang out with you? Will they call you the biggest disappointment of the family, greedy, selfish because the good days are over?
Keep in mind no one can understand what is going on in your life, your mind if you do not open up, express your feelings, keep carrying the load on your shoulders.
It is extremely hard to live by standards made by others. In the long run, it will make no one happy. There's no satisfaction in pleasing if you cannot afford it.
Are you recognize anything? Ask yourself what you want for you? Do you like to live under thumbs forever? Do people sacrifice themselves for you in the same way as you sacrifice yourself? Will they work like a horse and pay your bills, change their habits if you can no longer pull that wagon? Answer these questions honestly. In most cases, the answer will be no.
Those who rely on you became used to the comfortable life you created for them. Their only worry is to lose grip on you. If they really cared they gave a hand long ago and accepted you the way you are. Instead, excuses are given why working is impossible and they tell you why it's your task. Ask yourself what if I wouldn't exist if I leave. How will they survive? For sure they find a way, start working or manipulate someone to fulfill their needs. They will use their charms, a pitiful story, or threaten to get what they want. Some people will never be in need. They are the parasites of the human population and if their host dies or leaves the next one will be found within a few hours.
Be wise and take care of your own happiness before you start caring about others. If positivity isn't answered, leaves you out of energy, with bitterness, anger, and depression alcohol will not make you feel any better but insight and a new strategy will.
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