Spam kills

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How annoying it is don't you agree?

The first time I was spammed was as I started with Hotmail. It's years ago. Hotmail had something to fight it and I joined. The end of the story is I gave up on my Hotmail address. It was a relief to have one without spam, where I could find back the few e-mails I needed it for.

Spam is all kinds of (false) advertisement you are not looking for. It's an aggressive way of asking for attention, a way to sell, and in many cases scam is involved.

Spam, it's that annoying foot of a sneaky salesman between your front door while you try to close your door in front of his face because you do not want to buy anything.

The salesman at the front door is rare these days. If he shows up you can leave your door closed or say "no thanks" and close the door. The law protects us against that foot.

If it comes to e-mail you can remove it without reading first. It doesn't mean it's not annoying to receive 200 spam messages within 24 hours time but providers do give a hand and so can you by labeling an e-mail as spam.

What is spam?

I asked it many times and no, I do not always agree with the rules.

Bad grammar is not spam, it's just a bad writing style.

I believe we all can grow into writing. Not one of us is born as a great writer. It is possible to improve and do better if you keep practicing and take notice of the tips given.

Improving yourself has nothing to do with the wish to become a famous writer but the fact what you write is your business card and... this platform business card as well.


We need them. Without a comment, there's no way to know if there's an audience, what they think, and what is wrong. Comments are needed too to give that bit of positive energy to write on.

On this platform, comments can be spam too.

To me, that is a painful one. Receiving a comment means something to me so does writing a comment.

I know it's not always easy to say the right words, to express yourself and at times there's nothing more to add as "awesome" or "I am impressed" if you feel that way about a poem or impressive story touching heart and soul.

Should I respond differently? Tell the author how to improve the poem or recipe or the article about cryptocurrencies is boring because of it ads nothing new?

I believe what counts most, if it comes to comments, are good intentions. told me a comment needs to add something to the article and this platform.

Does this mean we can no longer chat or make contact like starting a discussion? I hope that will not be seen as spam because a platform can only grow, we all can only earn and support each other if we engage.

Why your comment should be more like "I read you, keep writing"?

Because as I understand it you get rewarded for it. If you get rewarded it's not more as fair you invest yourself too.

Wouldn't it be great if we all start practicing? Give as many valuable answers as we can? If not for the author it's for you and the outside world. A world that will see this platform is the best one there is.


It's spam if you post the same message over and over again. If you ask me it's not spamming if you posted elsewhere too because this is your own original work (at least I assume it is). Still, it's not appreciated here because... (?)

I can only guess for the reason... because this platform is new and shouldn't be a copy of some other platform?

Personally, I wish it is possible once in a while. Not because I am too lazy to write something new but because the past showed me too frequently nothing lasts forever on the internet and blockchain. At some articles or stories, I am proud and I want to keep them safe. I want more people to read and enjoy them and Facebook is not my place to be. I can't keep my articles save or share if I am not allowed to do so with my own work. Of course, I can share a link but I know no one will READ THIS because clicking on links is not popular.

Let's fight spam together.

It will benefit all of us if we give our best, try to improve ourselves, and go for sharing something good and unique.

Let's give each other a hand and tell what can be done differently, what to change to make an article better, readable, which community can be used, or tools that can benefit the writing.

Happy writing to all of you.

$ 0.07
$ 0.06 from @Telesfor
$ 0.01 from @heartbeat1515


I think that everyone has to decide for themselves what spam is for them. For me, spam is an unsolicited message. If I see someone copying masses of articles from other sites on, that is spam for me. I block such users and do not see their spam. The same applies to comments. If someone writes the same comments all the time or copies comments from others, I block them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How did you do that? Could you please show us how? But I think we do need to be careful in blocking others, some might accidentally use the same sentence or coincidentally or perhaps the owner of the sentence?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see. Didn't notice that. Thank you. But please don't block me... 😂😂😂🤣 Just kidding and to let you know that I have seen your memo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think there are anti-spamming laws on ground which people must obey, but seems they are "toothless bull dogs", else many culprits would have been made scapegoats.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I did submit this article to a new community I created just a few minutes ago: I hope you don't mind. If you do, just tell me, and I will remove it again.

Feel free to join the community.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm glad you did. I'm just going to submit this but luckily I read your comments. @Wakeupkitty this is another community we can work with. What do you think?

$ 0.00
3 years ago