Let's write a short post for a change. If there is something I am not good at is writing short posts. I wish I could because it would save me time. Time I could invest in reading more or writing longer stories.

I missed NaNoWriMo and try to ignore the e-mails they send. Next time I try to join again. Next time if life is a bit easier on me, my allergies and the car trouble is solved.

I invest a lot of time reading here. I still try to read all my notifications and this is a lot of work. I am not sure if it pays back. I doubt it does if I see how great others do here but I do this for me and that's what counts.

Who doesn't read doesn't improve, doesn't grow, evaluate, isn't up to date.

User's avatar
@wakeupkitty posted 3 years ago


I spend more time reading and commenting than posting.

I like to comment and interact with users. Usually I don't get answers from everyone. Only from some.

If I like the publication, I comment on it, if I don't like it, I go to the next post without saying anything. For me it is better to say something positive and if I don't have something better to say I don't waste my time. It is different from opinion.

I like to comment and I prefer long posts to short ones.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

With commenting you earn too and it doesn't take as much time as writing plus you stay updated which is helpful too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I realize that I win with my comments. But the good thing is that I take a break and then comment again. That way I don't stay on my feet for long. Post if it costs me more.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am happy to hear you do good commenting. I noticed your tales have many upvotes as well. Great there are upvotes given for legends and some do read. 👍💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is true that some read and others just give their sad comments that I do not care.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The sad comments are not allowed. If read.cash is against it they should give an option to fight or remove it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Do you realize that you start a fight and you are alone? Account managers themselves cannot stop bad users.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you have that attitude indeed nothing will change. But I can report, reply I am not interested or block the commenter. If I block a spammer he can abuse someone else. If you do not like certain behaviour you have 3 options:

  • fight it
  • ignore
  • join them
$ 0.00
3 years ago

One way to combat them is to ignore them.

I have been reading that many people who tried on their own to kill these malicious users had their accounts abused in response to the attacker.

They suffered to the point that they only wait for the platform with its administrators to act and that they are already doing.

It's not that I don't want to fight the bad guys. It is that I have no weapons to defend this war. Simply using their knowledge for evil they block me and I cannot achieve a good but an obstacle for myself.

If someone gives safe alternatives to fight evil, I do them but the stone throw in the dark I will not.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If there is another thing you're not good at is writing short comment. 😅 And that, I envy.

You are really awesome if you get to read all your notifications. I still have comments and replies that I am yet to visit. Opening, reading, commenting and replying... Phew

It's time taking.

BTW this can't be your first short post. Is it?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can practise the "nice" and "follow me I was here and read you, honestly!" for a change. I copy paste it underneath each post and see what happens. For the points I don't need to write here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😂😂 please don't.

You have a reputation. Please keep it going. It will be weird if I read that from you.

Just do you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My longer comments are good for being marked as a spammer. I cannot say it's fun commenting this way. I had a reputation at Steemit but after the hardfork I stopped with it. My life became easier, more time for me and it didn't really brought me something plus I had hardly time to write what I like.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My longer comments are good for being marked as a spammer.

Has it ever been marked as spam by users? If yes, its probably "The mistake"

How is steemit? I have heard about it and even visited it once. But haven't given it a shot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it has been marked as spam and I received warnings I should stop spamming if not I will be blocked. Kind of joke and an insult if I see what others write.

It wasn't a mistake. I am sure about it. Most likely done to comments I give as a moderator.

I like Steemit and it became better after the hardfork. More peaceful I do not like all these fights. If you can not live with the rules find a better place and if so do not come back to scold. The platform works hard to be better, all kinds of contests (I host one too) it's just hard if you are new to start. You need power to post and comment. Reading is no problem but commenting is needed to be noticed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I had a reputation at Steemit but after the hardfork I stopped with it.

I like Steemit and it became better after the hardfork. More peaceful I do not like all these fights

Still with steemit or not? Did you return after it got better?

It wasn't a mistake. I am sure about it.

If you can recall I made a post about my comments been marked as spam. Which we had a long interaction about. Good and long comments. At first it was like a joke, but it kept happening. Like some group of users were out to get me. 😂

Some users don't take criticism well. That shouldn't stop one from doing it anyway.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I stayed on Steemit and tried Hive too. But the old witnesses brought the same hostile environment and dictatorship to Hive. For a while I did hardly post. Now I try to post once a day. I have two accounts. I lowered down Hive after one witness posted a long list of those who posted on both platforms. He called them abusive. My content was exclusive and it's up to me which platform I join. I need to find new friends up there but it will happen and I can post because I have enough SP even after I powered down several times.

You can speak out to me, say your opinion. It's fine with me if you do not agree with me or don't like me but I do not accept others telling me what to write where and when. It's my time, my money I invest plus I join for the fun. Not to be scolded at and see disgusting photos send by adults who can not respect others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I appreciate constructive criticism but detest dictatorship.

Well, Read.cash is my first crush. Yet to try other platform. Though I have an account on Publish0x, but I don't think I have visited the site more than twice. My turn off is that it's content is Crypto based.

I have also checked out Reddit, but it's too complex for me. Perhaps I haven't given it much thought.

I will like to give another platform a shot. Perhaps Hives or Steemit... There are probably others...?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have a Publish 0x account too, gave it a try. At times it is nice but most of what is written is copy paste, not new(s) and I have no clue about the payment. They changed it twice.

You could try Uptrend but so far I didn't put much effort in that platform either. I find it hard to use many different platforms, switch between them on one single day. Another problem is loading these sites. It takes me too long or I can not get in at all. There's Weku too. Similar to Steemit and Hive. Same principal, same sites. I just have no idea about how to lay hands on Weku plus it is hardly worth investing in it although I did but do not know how to transfer it.

Steel has a better value after the Hardfork and is part of Tron.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the info. I will take time to check them out, especially uptrennd and Weku

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome. If you know more about the last two please, let me know. 🍀💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right, despite the fact that you ain't getting what you expect but atleast you are learning from reading.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly and you have always a topic to write about.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Reading all notifications takes all your time but we have to because we cannot write a quality comment related to the topic, Reading alone the title is not enough we have to digest what it says and what it impart. Reading and commenting here helps me a lot, I discover words and phrases which has been long forgotten. I will just ignore if they gain more and I left behind as long as I learned and grow. It is like writing a formal theme in school.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see many "nice" and comments who do not make sense at all. They are proof most do not read. I wonder too how many time is invested in reading others and how many in writing and publishing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Agree on you, those who don't read will not improve. Same with you, I also invest time in reading, especially about BCH topics it takes a lot of time to digest the content so I can gain knowledge about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Are you investing or interested in investing more? I wish I had a better connection. If that would be the case I could be more active in trading. I can not say the information written about cryptocurrencies is very spectacular. I am not really interested in the "ups and downs" the latest news copied from somewhere else. No one seems to write about own experiences. I think there are hardly investors here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually, I don't engage in trading yet, the main rules are easy "to buy when it is low, and sell when the price is high" but I am not yet ready for that, trading needs a better understanding and being capable financially and emotionally. They don't share because trading is like gambling, there is high risk so some traders don't really share the step by step process, I've been asking but there is no clear explanation just that buy when it is low and sell when it is high. But aside from that traders should understand the up and down of markets those lines in red or green, and I find it hard to understand 😆😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The other rule is: do not invest money you can not miss. I write down the value if I buy which makes it easier for me to see if there's profit if I sell. In short term is not possible for me which means on the longer term is what is left although, I do not invest for years. Next to this, I do not let others invest for me. If I am not able to do so myself I am not interested. Basically, this all means there is nothing to write about cryptocurrencies, trading, bitcoin cash because there is no news.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am laughing out loud because this is so me... I feel like I am cheating every time I do a short post! Thats why it is sometimes very impossible to be present here as I don't have the time to write the posts that I feel like deserve to be posted here or anywhere for that matter!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Terrible isn't it? Each time I think: let's keep it short for a change, most do not read me any way but while writing it always gets longer than expected. I wish to write so.ething short for a change but if so it's a haiku or perhaps a story with a few characters but both take a lot of time to make, are brain puzzles.

$ 0.00
3 years ago