Mother Nature

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3 years ago

Nature is important they say and we need to take care of it but not if it comes to overpopulation. I wonder what more I can do. Sure, I could have done more as I was younger but at that time we didn't waste as much. Food wasn't wrapped three times, plastic bags weren't common and many went by Mike or walked. We didn't use the car to drive to the neighbors. There was hardly any waste. Although the trash can was emptied by the city once a week it was only 1/8 of the seize trash cans have these days. We didn't waste food. Leftovers we're common to eat once a week. We repaired what was broken, sewed what was thorn, socks and underwear included. We borrowed and lent and gave a hand. The need to buy everything new wasn't a need yet. We took care of our possessions. Clothes in the closets, shoes brushed and in the hallway. One soap for everything and the house always smelled good, fresh, inviting. There was hygiene without spray flacons. Money wasn't wasted but saved.

Could I have done more?
I could have eaten way less, because food is bad for the environment so is everything it is wrapped in. What ends up in the toilet means waste. My body doesn't need it or cannot use it. Will nature have benefit from me consuming less? To be honest I have strong doubts about it. I do not waste. House nor garden look like a dump. We care, share, are no shop aholics and do not shop or drive out of fun. We recycle and if possible buy second hand if we really need something. No, I am not sure it helps mother Nature but it's good for my wallet.

#kittywu #nowaste #nature

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3 years ago


It happened that I also have to look back at times when we were young, the difference between that time and today is much so unlikely. From the, clothes we are wearing, music we are listening, movies we are watching, things we use in our house and even foods we are eat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I guess we can only do our part the best that we can in hopes that it will help nature. During the lockdowns, the streets were quiet and factories closed. That was quite good for nature I reckoned. The rivers were clear for the first time after a long, long time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To be honest I think it's pointless. I am not the biggest waster around, the biggest part of the population doesnt care and want to have more luxury instead of less. I forgot to mention as I was a kid people had gardens. Gardens with grass and trees, bushes, flowers. Now it's tiles and trash.

With us the rivers aren't clearer and they tested the air in big cities and the smog increased! Not one car drove. It's clear not car only are the producers of pollution but humans are. The pollution increased in and outside. Alarming.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We should be cautious about dumping out wastage and also about the usage of plastic and non-septic things. If we take care of our mother nature, she will also take care of us more than that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If I look around me, especially if I am abroad I mainly see trash. The garbage is everywhere even if there are trash cans every 20 steps you take. People take the time to get in their car and throw their garbage out of it where I live on the country. Why not dump it in a container?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They are such commonsenseless sick kind of people.. I literally hate this kinda people. Why they just can't wait or throw wastages to the right place!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We don't do much to help nature.

Day-to-day comfort displaces the benefits of nature. I can stop buying canned goods that after I use it I have to throw away the empty can. But I prefer to buy the beans, beans, jams or soups already ready, in their cans to heat. I can sow vegetables and greens, in any pot they can reproduce. But it is easier to bring plastic bags home with the products we need. Or with the products that I can buy with my money.

Then what will we do with the cans, plastic bags, and other waste?

Help nature ?. The human condition is to help yourself. And then think about the rest. Only later, later.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ibuy in jars or cans. Both are reused. Of vegetables, cucumber is wrapped in plastic I do not buy it. The factories should stop wrapping everything twice or three times. There's no need to do so. People have fridges, freezers and hardly no one stores it for the winter/one year.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed we should take care out Mother Nature so She could also take care of us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If that was only true. Perhaps we are just too "busy" or take it for granted and that's the reason we don't care. How many people are minimalists, think before they decide to buy?

$ 0.00
3 years ago