Happy feet

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, 2021, Life, Freewrite, Blogging, ...

The moment your child is born and they say it's healthy (test done right after birth) you feel happy and relieved. You study its face (how come that baby looks not familiar to me?) and little fists and that's it. The best moment is those happy hours you are not in pain, not exhausted, no one needs you and you feel relaxed. Relaxing is hard and it's rarely for an entire hour but hey, your child is healthy, sweet, adorable no matter what other people say. Everything will work out fine. Trust me.


I remember the footprints made on the beach. If you cast plaster in it you have the footprint saved forever. It makes a nice present. With feet, it is possible too. If it comes to the print we hardly focus on what it looks like. How many of us will say: these feet are not made for walking we have to ask someone to have a better look at them. Are these hammertoes?

Are these hammertoes? Most people will say all babies have toes like these. It's normal. Most likely I'll say it too. I never really focused on my toes although they hurt me and I've had arch supports for a few weeks. I cannot remember I complained about my feet but most likely I did. It may be clear a few weeks of support will not make one walk better.

As a child, I most likely stood and walked like this. It's not a relaxed position of the feet and if you keep your feet this way in shoes as well it's clear your feet will grow in a way they shouldn't and... they always hurt. My grandpa had hammertoes at least that's what my grandmother said. According to him, toes should look like that and he called them 'walking toes'. Was he right? I doubt it because if you have to walk with those in this position you walk on your nails. Toenails and this is not only painful but damages the nails too. It's surprising how many people suffer from bad, painful feet. One thing is sure it all starts in childhood and is not necessary because shoes are too small or too big. My guess is it's partly caused by DNA but also by the fact we hardly care about our feet. They can easily be hidden in socks, shoes, slippers, boots, underneath a blanket or once covered with dust no one sees them. (If foot fetish is the thing you might like it).

The big toe turns out to be a huge problem to many too. It did not grow straight but leans against the other toes. Pressure, change of bones and hardly anyone acts and if so it's too late. >Once an adult it's hard to change the structure of bones, joints and tendons. I noticed by now there are all kinds of straps and tools to separate toes, straighten them and some say it works although you can hardly set a foot with it. If it's worth the try I don't know. It might depend on your feet and expectations but it can help to relax. Perhaps it is helpful if you use it in time or cannot afford a doctor (or are not welcome because you don't have a green pass)?

Next to hammertoes, a big toe growing in the wrong direction people suffer from more feet trouble. My eldest couldn't walk on her whole feet. For long she walked at her toes. Many people walk or stand at the side of their feet which is not good either. Keep in mind the entire foot needs to carry your weight.

The taller or bigger you are the bigger your feet need to be. It's important to use the entire foot and walk in the right way.

Taking care of your feet should be one of your first priorities! Wash, soak them with care (washing soda can be helpful), clip your nails, remove (or let remove) painful spots and give them at least a massage once a week. Investing in your feet will do your entire body good.

Source photos: pixabay.com

#kittywu #parenting #freewrite #feet #hammertoes #health

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, 2021, Life, Freewrite, Blogging, ...


I tell you that I don't like my feet to be touched, I have a lot of bridge and now, after getting older, I have developed malformations in my feet that I don't like. I think I should go to an orthopedic doctor.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many people dislike their feet to be touched. We ignore them but should not. I hope an orthopaedic doctor can help you solve your problems. 🍀💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think placement matters so much in all these. Being in a situation of joy can be gotten from many things and one of them I appreciate a lot is that one's child birth gives satisfaction and also not being in pain as well

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2 years ago