
Avatar for wakeupkitty
2 years ago

Drama or is it just the sad situation in the world no one can do anything about? We, humans, are with many and yet we let ourselves be dominated by a very small minority. A minority that feels better and has appointed itself as the elite. You may think it sounds dramatic but anyone who isn't blind and deaf, who can read and does not suffer from the denial syndrome knows that we are in a whirlpool of misery. A maelstrom that is a kick for some, for others it ends in tragedy while a third group ignores the facts. Ignoring has always worked for them to keep life simple and quite happy.
Neglecting drama prevents stress if you can maintain, as long as possible, that nothing has changed or even better that what happens is for your own good.
Not everyone is fit enough to play the drama queen or king and enjoys the attention when practising theatrical behaviour. Drama queens are partly made but mostly born. You can recognise them already at a young age. Drama queens used to be called attention-seekers. The attention-grabbing and, above all, demand for affectation is tiring.
"Just act normal and you'll be fine," says the down-to-earth Dutchman to such behaviour. He does not like to exaggerate, such madness. And he is right. Let's face it, dramatic behaviour is not something to be proud of. It's not a skill of a powerful personality but of a pathetic figure, a manipulator who uses the drama to improve her/his own life. It is someone with a lack of self-confidence, an attention addict and therefore an energy eater, your unwanted energy consumer. Such a person you do not want in your neighbourhood so improve your life and get rid of that queen or king that is nothing more than a parasite. A drama queen has no real friends but will always find someone that will fall into the trap.

I don't like drama. Not on the telly, in the cinema, theatre or real life. I'll never understand why some love to exaggerate, play the drama queen or king. What is the benefit or fun of making a theatre out of what's no drama at all? Well, the drama queen needs attention that's for sure. Can be this person has no other qualities than making scenes and as long as there's an audience the show goes on.
To me, and for sure I'm not the only one, drama only causes stress. Stress is the last thing I need so I avoid these types of people and situations as much as I can. Investing in drama queens and kings (don't let us pretend men are free from it, drama is gender-neutral) is a waste of time. It will surprise you how many hours of one's life are wasted by finding solutions for problems that don't need to be solved. A drama can be made out of everything but this doesn't mean it's worth your attention, time and energy. It's strange how much time is invested into drama, negativity and how little in the good things. It feels as if focusing on positivity is forbidden. That half-emptied glass or bottle is still half full! The mainstream media are one of the best drama queens we have. Their clickbait headlines, fake news with a single sentence of truth prove it. Just like a drama queen in person they rattle on and on and try to keep your attention focused on the misery since that's what drama is about. It hits one personal! So keep it personal, stay out of it, don't be a hero or try to rescue the queen. To be rescued is not what this queen wants.

Is it possible to skip the drama? Not for the master but it is for the watcher, the audience.
Switch off the tv and 50% of all the drama in life is deleted. It might take some time to get used to it but life improves. The other 50% brought by family, social media, friends, strangers and co-workers can be reduced too. It will if you stop joining the spectators, stop acting as if others their misery are more important than your health if you recognise the manipulators and how they play others even make them responsible for what happened. A drama is a play, theatre, set up, written and planned. It's no coincidence, it doesn't just always happen to the same person or within one family. There's always someone enjoying the spectacle and benefitting from it.
Life without drama is a better life unless you are the drama queen and love to see others suffer. Do you? If that's the case the mainstream media and social media is at your service and so are communities, clubs, political parties and so on. Each one of them come with their drama and if you believe in it there will always be a crisis and with a crisis, there's chaos and fear. Chaos and fear is the ultimate state to manipulate and for hidden agendas.

The drama queen isn't unorganised does have the usefulness of the chaos and enjoys the attention. What this actor isn't is a helpless, lonely, person with just some bad luck. It isn't a poor victim surrounded by enemies, people who do not understand and love to break the poor soul. A drama queen does it for the drama, goes completely for it, therefore, loves crises, the chaos and will use it to come better out of it. It doesn't play any role if others are harmed by or suffer from the act. The world is a huge theatre for drama queens and life a dramatic role they play. You can watch, cry your eyes off, eat bags with potato chips, reach out, open your home and wallet, do your stinking best and let yourself drag into the drama or be wise and let the acting for what it is.

Neglecting can be the best remedy and with ignoring I mean let the drama queen do the nonstop performance elsewhere. Let that dramaholic in need of attention and an audience go manipulate someone else. This is not the type of person you want around you. An energy sucking parasite isn't someone to feel pity for or help out. Whatever the drama queen and king come up with is always an abusive plan meant to hurt, manipulate and break you and everyone around you. Feeling pity, those tears are just like fear a sign to the queen you give in, surrender and do exactly what she wants from you. So stay away, out of the way. Do not just look the other way or refuse to answer. Drama is bad for your health. You don't need to be a doctor to know that.

Drama queens suck and suck. They drain you and will never give up on all the drama which is the foundation their lives are built on. They will not easily give up on those losers whose strings they pull. Those poor bastards who fell for their tricks and are willing to stand on the barricades and take the blame. Taking the blame? Count with it that each drama queen needs a scapegoat. That dupe will be you since the role this elite plays is one of the victims. A victim like 'prince Charles' back then as Lady D. was killed by his sovereignty's hands. She wasn't the first and will not be the last.

Take a step backwards, get your eyes off the stage and next try to have an objective look at what is going on. Pretend you are an outsider. Take a longer break to digest what happened and ask yourself some questions. Who is the one who plays this role with confidence? That is the queen of drama. The others are just figurants needed to make the main character more important, they put the queen in the spotlights. All eyes have to be focused on the agony striking this 'poor individual' harder than others.

Have you noticed who is the drama queen in your life? Who is it saying that life, god or... ask the impossible from him and he always stands for the hardest dilemma and task in his life? Whose sneaky tricks, lies, tears, acts, manipulation do you fall for and why? Ask yourself why you buy all this nonsense, how come you are too blind to see what goes on for real or worse see it but don't act? Know yourself and your weak spots. If you know in which way you can be moved to act against your will, norms and values you know how to change the situation. If you cannot switch the tv channel from drama to comedy switch it off.
Pity is not the only way to make steer a person. Guilt, tears, feelings of despair, something in common move hearts too.

Never-ending drama is what some always bring you. It's like an endless ride on a roller coaster and we know roller coasters can be fun but are dangerous at the same time especially for those with health issues. Heart failures are not for the elderly only nor is being too weak-hearted or mentally not strong. Stress is a killer, therefore, shouldn't be underestimated. It does its job in the same way medication does. Stress stops by each cell in the body. Every single cell will be infected and change. Some slow others fast. Some change into monsters others die. The only way to protect yourself, your health is to stay away from drama, all the drama. You are not a pussy if you do that on the contrary it takes courage and strength to fight the beast especially if you have to do it alone. Frequently, this is the case. Who fights a drama queen will make enemies simply because the drama queen is seen and recognised as a victim and victims need to be protected. Fighting a drama queen will cost you energy but this energy is worth the fight. You are worth fighting for you. A house filled with drama is the worst place to be. Body and soul need a peaceful place to rest, digest, think over the day. To give room to all experiences before going to bed. Sleep is a healing process. The body tries to heal all those broken cells but can't if the mind is occupied with drama.

Family drama is the worst. I had my share of it. You cannot switch it off like the drama broadcasted by the telly or radio. You cannot cancel it like the newspaper or change subjects if you chat with coworkers or neighbours but you can avoid it, fight it and leave it behind. It takes courage to fight, it takes courage to stand up for you, courage to leave and courage to make a new start. That courage we all have if we feel we are trapped enough. Enough means stop ignoring the drama or realising laughing at it no longer works.
There's always a way out and you'll find it if you take a few steps backwards and watch the drama from a distance and say:  It's a play, a bad series. Like every drama series, we know how it will end. It's easy peasy. We know which step we should take, we know what happens if people bond and know exactly how to create that satisfying end.

#kittywu #life #drama

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