What is easier to Investigate or Repeat?

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2 years ago
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This question arises because in the last two years social networks have gained momentum, generating a global impact, where everyone wants to leave their mark on these digital channels to be known, to sell or achieve a specific goal. However, with this comes some limitations that concern me.

Today there are many people who are considered "Influencers", thanks to a large number of followers they have achieved. But some of them have a negative influence on the group that follows them daily and are attentive to their content. Unfortunately, with the passing of time we are becoming more dependent on others, we are not taking the time to reflect, to think, to evaluate, to investigate and even to corroborate the data or information they are providing us.

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Many see that it is easier to repeat what that person says for the simple fact of having a large number of followers, but where is that critical and analytical thinking that helps us to corroborate each information that enters our mind, we can never stay with a single source that tells us an event in their own way without evidence or necessary foundations to believe.

The new generations are changing the course of world history, today we see a more expressive generation, who want to fight for their rights, who seek ways to demonstrate their discontent but do not care to take the time to read and much less to question what is transmitted on the networks. They prefer to repeat as if they were parroting and not see beyond what they are being told.

In the political arena we see how many "leaders" look for ways to pay these Influencers for a few minutes of advertising, thus taking advantage of the followers they have to influence their political position, something that in my opinion is extremely delicate and serious.

"There is the same difference between a wise man and an ignorant man as between a living man and a corpse." - Aristotle

No one can influence our way of thinking, seeing life or acting, not even our parents, because we are free, rational beings, with the necessary tools to generate a reflection or a concept of what we have in front of us. Social networks are being used in a very different way for which they were created, which is frightening how social networks will be in 5 or 10 years.

It should be clarified that I am not against social networks, but I am against digital ignorance, we can not stay with only one information, we can not be blind before people who have a high number of followers and take advantage of those who are undecided about life, sharing wrong information, data that do not exist, just to gain a few likes.

I feel that the more technology advances, the more we human beings fall behind, because everything becomes so easy that making an effort is already a difficult task, knowledge will become every day something more appreciated than Gold or even Oil, let's not fall in the easiest, or waste those tools we have there to educate ourselves, to reinforce each knowledge, to corroborate each information and not believe anyone who comes to tell you fictitious stories.

Let us not allow third parties to influence our decisions, our way of thinking or acting, please do not normalize this type of behavior. Let us be ambassadors of knowledge, let us motivate our friends, family, the people around us to read, to investigate, let us be counselors of wisdom, let us not allow people to continue making the mistake of repeating what they see on the networks.

I have acquaintances who do not leave TikTok and repeat everything they see there, and also on Facebook, they have not understood that today the news has become a business where I do not care about posting any news regardless of the consequences and I only think about generating likes and comments. Even the most famous people are falling into these controversies just to become a trend, the world today has fallen very low, we have a society where it lost its value, where it lost its respect just to be in the number one position of the most viral in the networks...

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2 years ago


"The new generations are changing the course of world history, today we see a more expressive generation, who want to fight for their rights, who seek ways to demonstrate their discontent but do not care to take the time to read and much less to question what is transmitted on the networks. They prefer to repeat as if they were parroting and not see beyond what they are being told".

These words are so true that hurts a lot. New generations want to change the world, but most of them want to do these changes from their phones. For disgrace, I dare to say that this sad behavior is the product of the educational system, at least in Latin America, where you can't oblige them to take their academic education seriously and, rather than that, you loose the job for being very strict or for just not supporting the vision of seeing alumni as "clients".

Good article, my friend! Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good article. More knowledge, thinking & reflection are needed. Today's "culture", if we can call it so, is superficial and shallow. Unfortunately nothing indicates a change of that direction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And some of the influencers used people to gain subscribers and do nothing, what the most truthful is it was scripted already

$ 0.00
2 years ago