Captivating Stories - A Christmas Truce

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Much has been said, that when Christmas arrives, everything begins to be observed in a different way, and even the problems seem to have an early solution. That's why we dedicate this section, to tell those Christmas Stories and Tales, that make us see life from another perspective, there are tragic facts that have marked our history as a society, however before so much darkness there is always a ray of light, a ray of hope.

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In the year 1914, an event begins that changed the course of the world, that changed the history of many countries, The First World War, a tragic and regrettable event, where millions of people died, where I can observe the violence, ambition and the worst plans of many people. Despite having spent more than 100 years of such sad events, today they are still more present than ever in many families, in many countries, who remember with sadness what was lost, what was lived but also, what was learned.

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However, not everything in the First World War was death, violence, destruction and invasion, facts happened that make us understand that not everything is lost, that not always the ambition of a few, can dominate the thoughts and desires of many. That's why we share this incredible History, that maybe you didn't know it, something that was marked and immortalized in time, because without a doubt they show us that if we can leave aside the differences, the problems, and no matter what country you are from or what languages you speak, there is nothing better than a moment of peace, tranquility and friendship. 

In 1914, on the borders of Belgium, Germany and France, there was a large trench where the British and French fought against the Germans, in the atmosphere you could hear the loud explosions of both weapons and explosives, the air was impregnated with burnt flesh and gunpowder, there were corpses on both sides, it is incredible to think, that these men spent months, under these trenches, in extreme conditions, high temperatures, a scorching cold, and slept with the rats, every day was the same and even worse. However, something changed when December arrived, these soldiers, already tired, far from their loved ones, not sure they would return home, surrounded by the dead, and with no hope that this conflict would end sooner than later, decided to take a break.

On December 24th of that year, a name was born for that place where these warlike events took place, "No Man's Land", that's how they nicknamed this space that separated both trenches. The shooting stopped on the German side, which caused curiosity among the English and French, because they assumed that the enemies were planning some macabre plan, however the sentries, warned that in the German trenches, something was happening, Christmas lights were seen, just as they read, Christmas lights, were decorating the trenches!.

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When they finished decorating them, they started singing, in their language (German), Christmas carols Stille Nacht (Silent Night). Both French and English, were stunned, however they were carried away by this Christmas spirit, dropped their weapons, and responded, but this time singing the same song but in English, and from there, began to emerge a peculiar friendship, and enemies, became friends, thanks to Christmas, such was the atmosphere that was generated, that many soldiers dared, with some fear, to cross their trenches and find themselves in No Man's Land, with their "enemies",they hugged each other, smiled, some even cried, and shared their belongings, food, drinks, cigarettes, and tried to communicate in the best possible way, forgetting that hours ago they were trying to kill each other. The news spread through other trenches, that there was an unofficial ceasefire for Christmas, while so many of these soldiers, decided to take advantage of their free time, and dedicated themselves to playing soccer, something that made them more united, the curious thing about this, is that while in some trenches, it only lasted a few nights, in others it extended until the new year and even weeks later, even though the High Commands, did not approve of this, and were looking for a way to punish those who did such a "shameful" act. Thanks to this ceasefire, both soldiers were able to bury their comrades, and give them the Holy Grave, many cried, and hugged their "rivals", remembering with honor the lives lost because of a conflict that in the end they repudiated.

Apart from enjoying a friendly game of soccer, the soldiers from the different countries shared photographs of their families and even clothes. That day, hope began to be seen in a Europe immersed in chaos and armed conflict; each man in that trench exchanged his weapon for a hug, a smile, and to share what little he had with those people who had ordered him to shoot. British Soldier Graham Williams wrote in one of his letters: "First the Germans sang one of their carols and then we sang one of ours [...] I thought it was something really extraordinary: two nations together singing the same carol in the middle of a war"Similarly, another German soldier wrote in one of his many letters to his family: "Those who wish the war to continue cannot be considered 'human beings' any more. The desperation cannot be greater in enemy territory, as well as at home"Strong words, anyone would think, that everyone was in favor of this war, and that it was only to seek power, to exalt the nation that would win the conflict, but as we can see in this incredible story, when we unite together, and look for the good side of life, we achieve great things, human beings can change, leave aside their selfishness, and seek peace. So this Christmas, let's find a way to put aside what bothers us, what worries us, and focus on our peace, our emotional tranquility, and let us be captivated by the magic of Christmas. We hope, you have enjoyed this incredible story.

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This text was translated from Spanish to English thanks to the translator Deepl.

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