From Your Thorns

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3 years ago

Thorns are unavoidably a part of our lives, they compete for space and dominance in our subconscious, thereby limiting our chances of success by choking that part of us that is determined and optimistic. Thus we find ourselves in situations to grab opportunities, but then we start rationalizing about what the society might think, or procrastinate or fear that something bad might happen later, or we just do nothing but sleep upon our own heels, thereby silencing the greatness in us and nullifying the whole essence of making resolutions to pursue productivity.

If we must see the bigger picture, we must be ready to take risk, to leave the zone of mediocrity, and be resolute enough to change. In fact, these thorns might have become so normal a part of our lives that we don't see them as such anymore, therefore we settle in complacency, we become comfortable about not taking the right action at that pertinent moment of decisiveness, we become too loose about everything and resolve to only play it safe at every turn.

However, seeing the bigger picture isn't enough, we must identity those thorns that oppose that picture and resolve to do away with them. We cannot grow if we sit with them, we cannot release the potential locked up inside of us if we just talk without actually acting, we have to move to a better soil to grow, we have to drop somethings and pick others, it's imperative that we learn and unlearn, that's why we're humans, we're smart, yes we actually have choices.

“When you have a single pattern of doing things that yields no good end result, yet you still keep at it _ that's a thorn.”

Or you pride in your potentials without acting on them, that's still a thorn and as such, harmful to the bigger and better you tomorrow.

Our resolution must go beyond just the dream we see, we must be able to identify where we err and correct them, that way, we harness our potentials and maximize the optimism in us.

We should get to the action of shifting our paradigm by planting ourselves on a more fertile and favorable ground; speak when its time, take risks when necessary, never leave what can be done today for tomorrow, never let your pride mar you from grabbing a good humble opportunity, learn to not always consider the crowd. These are the very opposite of our thorns and we must try to adopt them and make them dominate our consciousness, that way, we don't just dream, but we live our dreams.

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3 years ago
