The painful grip of mental health problems

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Written by
2 years ago

About half a year ago, I tried blogging and really enjoyed it. I started posting regularly, but other life factors were limiting my time. I never struggled to be creative. Even in my gloomiest times, I was able to come up with possible topics and titles to write about. The reason why I didn't write was not a lack of motivation. I had to stop doing what I wanted and enjoyed because it was too challenging for my mental strength.

Blogging is a popular side- or even full-time job. (Picture: Pexels, Pixabay)


I'm not asking for pity, but it certainly sounds like asking for an excuse. I want to remind every content creator that it is important to listen to their body. Mine has been screaming for a long time, asking for a break. I chose to ignore it and even got used to it. Now I am suffering the consequences. I knew that I was heading for a breakdown, but I chose to push on. Please, please do not do that! You cannot create content when you are struggling mentally. You are punishing yourself in vain if you try to move mountains when raising a pebble is an exhausting task.

A nice stack of rocks in a natural park. (Picture: Pexels, Nico Becker)

What can I do to prevent it?

Well, this is a good question. It is easy to say that taking a break will solve everything, but it may not be that simple. No. I don't think I would be where I am now if I had taken a break or slowed down. Doors opened before me that would have remained locked had I decided to take my breath. Maybe other opportunities would have arisen, and I might still be satisfied with myself. I do not know.

The long journey ahead

Recovery from mental health issues can take a long time. It is no different from weight loss. Problems tend to evolve over time, and they cannot just miraculously vanish.

What is your experience?

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2 years ago
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Tough decision and everyone is different and operates at different paces and levels, and they and only they can determine if they need a break or can plow through. I know a few who just keep on going like the Eveready Energizer Bunny and do not slow down. Will they run into problems in the future? Only they know. Nice valid perspective. This post was obtained through Dreemport.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I admire those people who seemingly need no break. I do believe that they stop and take a breath, too, every now and then. Nobody is an almighty god.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oh, one other thing.. for Dreemport in future, would you mind providing the actual URL link to Pexels, Unsplash etc for your images ;-) This makes it easier for us to verify that the images are royalty free ;-) I'm one of the Dreemport screeners :-)I've bumped your RCs for the next month to help you to continue posting and engaging in Hive :-) (ps: I am @samsmith1971 on Hive)

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Sure! I will do that. I'm enjoying my RCs on Hive, it's great to be able to engage with others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Fabulous!!! Looking forward to seeing more of your posts in Dreemport.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hi @valo I found your post in Dreemport this morning :-) I haven't seen you before so it was lovely to read you. I understand a little of what you are going through. I struggled with hormone imbalance a while back and this caused me periods of anxiety and mood swings, lows and highs. Thankfully, this has been pretty much resolved with the use of HRT and a healthy lifestyle but I know that there are many reasons for people's struggles. My youngest son is neurodivergent: autism, adhd, demand avoidance, and sensory processing struggles and I see him needing to step back a lot from situations and times that overwhelm his senses, and emotions and bring him discomfort and fatigue at best and full-blown meltdown at worst. Thankfully we have an Educational Health Care Plan for him at school and he is well supported now in that regard. I think what you have done is the best thing: recognise when you need time to rebalance and take it... but yes reach out and let those closest to you know how you are feeling and what you need - communication is so important and keeps you connected to those around you that love and support you. And find yourself communities (including writing ones ;-) ) where you feel that you are 'home' you know. That way, when you need to take a break, you know that your 'tribe' will still be there when you return, rooting for you. For me, Dreemport is that community. We all get to know each other through the monthly collaborations that we run with other communities on Hive. It's very supportive and a whole lot of fun, the more involved you get. Sending you hugs and I look forward to seeing more of your writing in Dreemport.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks for your kind words once more!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You cannot create content when you are struggling mentally.

I love this part and it happened to me today. I was very weak and I couldn't do anything even to write was difficult until I took enough rest and went to spend some moment with nature and I was relieved.

Though this is just something small but it is good we take care of our mental health because it's important.

I came through Dreemport and it's nice reading from you.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear about your struggle but it's good that you listened to your body. The world isn't going to end if we happen to take a break from all demands. Thank you for reading!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is really very true. At least once in a while it's good to get yourself busy with something new instead of doing the same thing over and over.

I'm really happy I came across this post all thanks to @dreemport.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Many thanks! Getting stuck in the same old pattern yields no good, indeed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago