Tropical forests that are rich in benefits for humans

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1 year ago

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Around the Equator, humid tropical highlands and lowlands are home to tropical rainforests. One of the biggest biomes on earth is the tropical rainforest, where broadleaf plants and tall trees that form a canopy predominate. Not all tropical rainforests develop in areas with heavy, continuous rainfall. The existence of dry rainforests in northeastern Australia, where the climate is marked by a dry season that lowers annual rainfall, serves as evidence for this.

Advantages of tropical rain forests

The world's ecosystems depend heavily on tropical rainforests. This is so that those who live nearby can benefit from the commodities and services that tropical rainforests supply, as well as the life support systems on Earth.


The following are some advantages of tropical rain forests:

1. Modifying the atmosphere's chemical composition

Every tropical rain forest has an impact on how the atmosphere is regulated. In addition, tropical rainforests absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and release oxygen, helping to counteract the consequences of climate change.

2. Maintain high soil fertility

Tropical rainforests contain fertile and healthy topsoil in places like the Amazon because of the quick leaf fall and breakdown that quickly recycles nutrients. Food staples like cassava and corn can be grown on this fertile soil. h

3. It has an impact on the hydrologic cycle

Humans' access to water is maintained in part by rainforests. When dense trees block rainfall, they serve as water reservoirs. Through evapotranspiration, trees discharge water into the sky. It then precipitates once more, supplying residents of the areas surrounding the jungle with water.

4. Tropical rainforests offer benefits to society

Food, like nuts, can be produced in rainforests, and they also offer good ground for farming. Rainforests generate commercial crops in addition to food crops and therapeutic plants. For instance, a reddish periwinkle found in Madagascar's rainforests can aid in the treatment of juvenile leukemia.

5. As a water catchment area

The tropical rain forest is one of the types of forests utilized to store water, as its name suggests. Rainfall in tropical rain forests is significantly higher than in regular forests that are not tropical. Along with having generally high rainfall, this will keep tropical rain forest areas from facing drought and a lack of water. There are hundreds of millions, or even billions, of trees in tropical rain forests that are ready to serve as water catchment regions, which is another benefit to life. The water cycle—which begins with rain, travels through the soil, lakes, and rivers, evaporates to produce clouds, then returns to earth through rain—is further supported by tropical rain forests.

6. As a tourist attraction

This tropical rain forest can be used as one of your natural tourist sites. Typically, you can camp in a tropical jungle area while exploring it. Additionally, the local government typically manages specific limits that separate tourist destinations from the tropical rain forest itself, making visitor visits to the rain forest generally regarded as safe.

7. The research site

Tropical rain forests typically end up being one of the places where scientists go to find new things that have never been studied before. It is not improbable that researchers who visit tropical rain forests will discover new species. They typically expect to find and study animal and plant life there.

That clarifies the significance of tropical rain forests and how important they are to the survival of all living beings. The community must therefore continuously maintain this important natural resource.

Government laws have an effect on sustainable forest management hence, forest managers who have been granted permits by the government should be more aware of and compliant with them. If forest managers violate any laws, the government typically takes strict action.

The rationale is that improper forest management will result in damage to the forest, reducing the quantity of forests and endangering their continued survival.

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Written by
1 year ago


Well-written blog on forests. One of the major reasons for climate change throughout the world is that we neglect the benefits of trees and forests. We should start taking initiatives to conserve them

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I agree with you, forests have an important role for the survival of every creature

$ 0.00
1 year ago