All the stars and the moon

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Avatar for ughyannie
3 years ago

I think we can all agree that stars and the moon in the night sky looks so beautiful we can't stop looking at it. It is indeed mesmerizing.

As for me, I think it gives me comfort. Looking at those tiny things shining so bright makes me think that a every peson shines too at their own pace. We all glow in different spectrums of light - like how we live our lives differently from each other.

The moon is beautiful too. Makes me think about the fact that moon revolves around the earth giving light to our nightsky. I want to be like that too, to provide light and comfort to others. To make people's life a little bearable.

Let's be our own stars and a moon for others. So we can say we live our life just like how we wanted it to be.

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Avatar for ughyannie
3 years ago


When I miss someone and stare at the stars, it makes me feel like they are just there somewhere looking at the same star that I'm staring at. It makes me feel a better for a moment

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3 years ago

same :((( thats why i always look at the night sky everytime im sad

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3 years ago

Sometimes it only takes a glimpse to feel their presence. especially when they're already i heaven

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3 years ago

When I miss someone and stare at the stars, it makes me feel like they are just there somewhere looking at the same star that I'm staring at. It makes me feel a better for a moment. So nice

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3 years ago