What does your inner child wants?

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3 years ago

What does our inner child wants?

I've heard a lot about an inner child. I have never had contrasting thoughts about how important it is to take care of our inner child. I knew how important that child was at every stage of my life.

The best way to get along with people younger than ourselves, especially children, is to stay in touch with our inner child. The age difference does not matter when we contact him.

Our inner child is also the only way we can be more cheerful, more lively and loving. Someone who never communicates with the kid inside can be both very serious, selfish, even brutal. Perhaps the biggest reason a person is prone to violence is because the child inside him is pushed deeper, which is the result of a trauma he experienced in his childhood. Behind a very serious person who forgets to laugh is a child in pain.

Except for certain periods of my life, I have been a sincere, playful person. However, that doesn't mean I treat people I don't know the same. Because I cannot afford a person I do not know yet to harm my inner child. But I know the child inside me is always there.

The way to be a good parent is to be in contact with our inner child. Otherwise, we will not be able to understand our children and force them to act like adults. This is a great torture we do to them. Because a child must live their childhood. A very happy adulthood doesn't come after an unhappy childhood.

I am both that spoiled, active kid, and that energetic, cheerful teenager of my adolescence and who I am now. Since I am not a father yet, I do not know how to be a father. But overall, I think I was a good uncle who got along well with my nephews. I played toys with them, we toured together and had nice conversations.

In any case, my inner child is both me and me. I'm already the same kid. Same teenager and same adult. The best moments I understood this were how I felt while crying. When I was very upset and cried, I felt exactly the same child. Talking about crying is ok for me. Because I think crying is a great boon to relieve emotional burden. I remember very well that I had bigger problems when I couldn't cry. "A man does not cry. Do not cry like a child. This is what a watery eye man." such suggestions are barriers that keep us away from the wondrous miracle of our nature. If it comes from the heart, tears cleanse the heart, allowing it to shed its heavy burden and recover.

How can we connect with our inner child?

1) Observe the children.

Pay attention to their sincerity, honesty, how they want what's in their heart, how happy they are for even the smallest thing. They behave as they are. Someone inside and outside. They say whatever they have in mind. If you get along with children, you will also connect with your inner child.

2) Observe pets or street animals.

Animals live in the moment. Even if they're sad, they're happy when they're full with a bite of bread. When you take care of them, they respond to your interest, the more they trust and approach you. Even stroking a dog's head gives him great pleasure. When they come to sleep, they sleep and pay attention when they hear a noise. Best of all, they approach you without expecting anything in return. Of course, if you treat him well, he will protect you more and he will try to protect you. When their bellies are hungry, they don't hesitate to ask. They are natural. They don't pretend. They don't try to look different from what they are. They don't judge and belittle you. They are like living angels. They get along well with children and children get along well with them. People who get along with animals are often those who can bond with their inner children. We can connect with animals to reconnect with our inner child. You can get a pet. So, after a while, you may realize that you are more happy, understanding, and loving.

3) Play games.

Games are indispensable for children. They are very happy while playing games. Play games with the children. In this way, you can re-feel what you felt as a child and make your inner child come out.

4) Don't take everything too seriously.

Living is too good to be taken seriously. Of course, there may be issues we need to take seriously. But to take everything seriously for our inner child, "Go. Don't let my eyes see you."

5) Spend more time with funny, joking people.

Jokes, humor, humor are good things for our inner child. You know kids love to be surprised.

6) Try to smile more.

In our happy moments, our inner child is also happy. If he is happy, we are also happy.

7) Review all definitions of adulthood.

Being able to keep smiling when facing difficulties as an adult; Being able to treat our inner child, other children, ourselves and other people with love and affection. Even crying when we hurt; expressing our love to our loved ones; To be able to face our pains, our fears and to say to the child inside us, "Don't be afraid. Everything's fine. You don't need to hide. This is a temporary situation. We will overcome it."

8) Open your heart again to love and compassion.

Love is our most natural state. The more loving we are, the stronger our connection with our inner child.

9) Live in the moment.

I do not mean living for a day. Being aware of the moment, live what we do happily like children. This is the most natural state of children. The most natural state of your inner child, that is, is living in the moment. Of course, if it is necessary to make plans and follow a certain program, it is okay to do so. We can be in the moment at every step of the program. Being aware of the food we eat, the coffee we drink, the flower we smell, the breath we take, the step we take, we can do all these with pleasure and happiness.

So what does our inner child want?

I think your inner child is your loved one; what you like to do; He wants you to spend time doing things that make you happy. He wants to feel safe, loved and loved. He wants to be happy. For a more accurate answer, why don't you ask him this question?

I hope you have found some useful items in this article. If you like it in the comments, you encourage me to write similar articles.

Thank you for reading.

$ 8.91
$ 8.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for turuncu
3 years ago


Sometimes it seems like our inner child never wants to grow up, he always wants to be innocent and loving and to fulfill his desires.

But you have written a good article about it and enjoyed reading it. God Bless You

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad you like it. I think he never grew up. Our consciousness is so interesting and wonderful that we are free to choose the consciousness we want at any time. We can cooperate with them. The good news is we are all of them. We can be whole again with ourselves. We have the ability to make joint decisions with our mind and logic.

Thank you. God Bless You

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have definitely inner child.Many my friends told me that my behavior is childish.I like to joke a lot,smile,i am playing games,....But that is my way of living and I am happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is great. 👍 It is good to be cheerful, loving, sincere, entertaining and playing games.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I miss my inner child so much these days because even my little ones keep reminding me of my inner child. It was great to read your words. You write brilliantly as always.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's nice to be longed because it shows the value you give to him. Make sure it isn't too far away. Everything is fine, your inner child can come up at any time. Thank you for your great, supportive comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a great phrase, "inner child"! To understand children, we need to get down to their level, and look at things from the child's point of view. Secondly, children do not know about problems, they play, have fun, and mostly experience everything as a game, so that we adults, a little rest our brains from problems, wake up the child in us, to make our life a little better and easier.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You expressed very well. The child inside us is the side of us who is aware of the beauty, joy and fun in our lives. When we begin to see the world from our inner child's perspective, we also begin to enjoy life. Thank you for your comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago