Everything is a choice, not just love. And it has consequences. However, we are disappointed that we did not get the results we expected. I can love you or hate you. If we see everything as spontaneous, coincidence, or luck, we are trying to avoid the responsibility of our choices.
Our emotions are our responsibility. Otherwise, the behavior of others towards us will determine our feelings. This leads us to generalize and to be distant to other people, to avoid showing our love, and to choose not to love anyone after a while.
Although situations in our lives affect our emotions, the choice of our emotions is ours. Can we direct it from a love affair that ends badly to someone else without ever reducing it to the love in our hearts? Usually we choose to give up love. We need time to fall in love with another person.
Our thoughts and attitudes determine our feelings. Even if the outside world seems to determine our thoughts and attitudes, it is only our choice. We always have the option to change our thinking and attitudes.
When we do not accept responsibility for our emotions, we make the choice to determine our emotions according to the thoughts, behaviors and attitudes of others. This can cause severe psychological illnesses. At the end of a bad relationship, we suffer, get angry, blame ourselves or others. However, we are the person who takes that person into our lives. His behavior towards us is his choice. He may not have loved us as much as we loved him. Our actions may not have met his criteria for love. But we are responsible for our own choices, thoughts, feelings and attitudes. We are liberated when we stop looking for the guilty, stop blaming ourselves or others. We cannot interfere with other people's choices. We cannot choose if nobody likes us. We are only responsible for our own hearts. We can live every moment of our lives filled with a loving heart. However, we can only take responsibility for our own life, choices, thoughts, feelings and attitudes and continue to love despite everything. Or we can choose to continue to blame others and continue to determine our love by the behavior of others.
I may not like you. But that doesn't mean I don't or won't love anyone. I choose not to like people who brutally accuse me. I am aware of this choice. I have an attitude that if someone is constantly blaming, criticizing, or trying to humiliate me, I will not like him. I know I cannot change people. If a person chooses to love me, he will show or make me feel this through his behavior.
We cannot teach people to love. But if our behavior reflects our love, they can choose to love us. Our actions reflect our hearts. People who constantly criticize others are people who do not really love themselves. Whoever blames others is actually blaming himself within.
We must first forgive and love ourselves. Unless we forgive and love ourselves, we continue to expect love from others.
We all need love. But as long as we do not love ourselves, we will continue to expect love from others. We will constantly test them to prove they love us. Since we have so many expectations, we will believe that they love us if the other person meets our expectations. Nobody has to meet our expectations. Whether to like it or not is his choice. But the most loved are those who love themselves. Because they are not constantly in expectation. They only want kindness and respect from you.
If someone doesn't show me kindness and respect, I will remove them from my life because I love and respect myself. Our actions and words reflect our hearts. The love of someone who lacks respect, love, and kindness in his behavior is not real. He doesn't really love himself. Those who do not love themselves cannot love me anyway. He only expects me to prove that I love him. He does not act kindly. Because, in his opinion, if I continue to stay with him in the face of his behavior, I will prove that I love him.
Love is the only truth in the world. But if our actions do not reflect love, this is not true love. We cannot speak of love in a place where kindness and respect are lacking.
In short, look for love in behavior. Love yourself before expecting love from others. Reflect your love into behavior and verdict. Think before you criticize and blame people. Ask yourself, "Is there love here?"
You may not like anyone. You may not trust anyone. This is not destiny. This is your own choice. Others either love or dislike you. But you are responsible for your own actions and words. So if your words and actions do not contain love, you don't need to think why others don't love you.
I prefer to love people. I choose to treat others with respect and kindness. And if the other person does not show kindness and respect in the face of all this, I prefer not to love him. Because I choose love. Someone whose actions, words do not reflect love and respect does not love himself. There is nothing I can do for someone who doesn't love themselves. I can't teach him love. The only thing I know is that I love myself. I respect myself. I take people who approach my life with love, respect and kindness. This is my choice.
Yes, love is a choice. It is no coincidence that loving people enter your life if you don't have too many expectations. This does not mean that your life will return to heaven miraculously. You just become aware of your choices. You love yourself and others. You allow those who love themselves and others to enter your life. If someone doesn't show their love for you with their kindness and respect, you're keeping them out of your life. You don't have to meet her countless waits to love you. Or you are not drowning anyone with your expectations. You treat everyone with kindness and respect. You expect only kindness and respect from others, too.
I beg to disagree in this word you said,
"Love is the only truth in the world. But if our actions do not reflect love, this is not true love. We cannot speak of love in a place where kindness and respect are lacking."
"And if the other person does not show kindness and respect in the face of all this, I prefer not to love him. Because I choose love."
I don't think you're in the right frame of mind? How can you say you choose LOVE if you can't afford to love your enemy and accept who they are? Shouldn't you be able to show them, true love, through mercy and good deeds? How can you love yourself if you don’t know how to love your fellow man? And how can you love your fellow man if you don’t know how to love yourself?
Think brother...