"Come to Me with Solutions, Not Problems"

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3 years ago

I want to start with a quote I shared yesterday on noise.cash. There were problems in the workplace where I worked 9 or 10 years ago that caught my attention and disturbed me a lot. These problems were so uncomfortable that I finally decided to go talk to my manager. I wanted my manager to notice these problems and fix them.

My manager listened to me very carefully. Then he gave a speech like "There are many problems here. I try to find and fix as many solutions as I can. It is nice that you pay attention to the problems, but I cannot fix this problem alone. My powers are limited. Do you have a solution?" He wanted an answer from me. I could not think of a useful solution. Then he told me: "Come to me with solutions, not problems."

This actually responded to many things. More precisely, it was an answer that made different expansions for me.

* First of all, even managers or leaders are not strong alone.

* A smart leader is someone who is open to other ideas, suggestions, and solutions instead of producing each solution himself. The smart leader sees himself as part of the staff. It is intertwined and communicating with them.

* Even though knowing the problems and being aware of the problems can be helpful, it doesn't matter much to know the problems after failing to produce solutions. We just wear ourselves out.

* We should be part of the solution as much as we are part of the problem.

* Even if we produce solutions, others must accept this solution, so that we can only do our part.

* It is our duty to be a part of the solution and do our best ... Those who do not want a solution are not our responsibility.

* Not everyone perceives everything the same. We have different perceptions on the same issue. Our perception is about age, experience, gender, emotional states, culture of the region we live in, etc. It depends on many factors. Even we can perceive the same event differently than we perceived yesterday. What we see as a problem may not be a problem for someone else. The opposite may also be true.

* The problems are strong as long as we grow them. Some of them are not even a problem.

* We often tend to obsess over small trivial issues. The more small problems we worry about, the more consumer is they become.

* The problems are different, the obstacles are different.

* Problems are perhaps the warning lights. Problems can be great tools for a safe journey, as long as we focus our attention on the road. "Damn. There's the Dangerous Bend sign to the left. Life is full of dangers. I'm giving up this trip. I have to stop here or go back. Why did this sign come up? Why is this sign all over the place", as long as we don't say, we can have a wonderful, safe trip.

* Problems, diseases, poverty do not prevent us from living a happy life. Unless we stop ourselves ...

* Yes, sometimes conditions can feel challenging. This will not be permanent, even when we feel like there is no solution.

* Sometimes we do our best and continue on our way. It can also be useful to accept it in situations where we think nothing is out of our hands. Everything doesn't have to be the way we want it to be.

* Perhaps the imperfect thing is perfectionism itself. I don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be perfect either. We can be better than we were yesterday. This is our choice. But it is not our responsibility for others to be better or perfect.

* Having diseases such as herniated disc and eczema right now does not prevent me from being happy.

* It doesn't interest me if other people are more successful, stronger, smarter or less intelligent. I am only responsible for myself. I admire people who do it with love and enthusiasm regardless of their profession. I don't care about labels. People who aspire to make the world a better place and who can also make their own lives better are people I appreciate. How can it be possible to make the whole world beautiful when we cannot manage to make our own lives beautiful and honor the beauties we have? What if our understanding of beauty is not the same as that of others? How right would it be to impose our point of view on others?

* We can start making the world beautiful from our own home. We can make the place we live in more beautiful every day. We can plant trees, flowers. We can give usable items of our unnecessary, surplus belongings to those in need We can send the unusable ones for recycling or to waste. We can clean the front of our house and do our part. If we are really successful, others can follow suit. But we cannot force anyone to clean their house by force.

* Making the world better is possible by making our own world better. Instead of dealing with what others think, how they live, how unhappy they are, we can spend our time on our own happiness, on what we want to improve ourselves.

* Change starts with us. If we change, our world changes and this affects the change of the whole. The first thing I can do to make all people in the world happy is to be happy. Of course everyone is responsible for their own happiness.

* If we know the limits of our responsibilities and responsibilities; We do not entrust our own responsibilities to others or take on the responsibilities of others.

These are the lessons I learned from his principal's word and from my later experiences. All these thoughts are of course what I can see from my perspective. It consists of personal thoughts. None of these are absolute truths.

Thank you for reading.

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Avatar for turuncu
3 years ago


I agree with you. It is easier to be part of the solution than to be part of the problem. And it is better to share with those who are in need and not have to throw away later because there was excess. and be nice to others to wait for others to be nice to you first. There are no absolute truths and it all depends on what we have stored in our hearts to make things turn out in a favorable way.

I totally agree with you. God bless you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for your comment. God bless you. With Love 💛💚❤️💙🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Superiors like "just me" are easy to identify - they are eternally busy overworked people who believe that only they can do a certain job.They are very territorial,they are afraid that they no longer be indispensable if they are co-workers do the job as well as they do.They have low confidence in their subordinates,they schedule work poorly,they work very hard to find faults in your work and are happy to point them out to you.They usually do not see that mistakes are often the results of poor delegation and lack of information.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gaining awareness of generating solutions has been useful for me there, elsewhere, or in my own life. My manager wasn't perfect. But his words made a change in me that he could not even imagine. I think I was ready for this information. In this way, I had the opportunity to internalize. Problems still persist there. But I am better equipped against the problems that I encounter in my life. I am not excellent. I still have difficulties with some problems. But if I expect to be perfect to be happy I guess that might take me quite a while ... 😂 Problems may come to be resolved. Thank you for your comments. With Love

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It often happens that some people misinterpret a certain problematic situation as insurmountable and at the same time state that they do not have enough self-confidence to face it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Problems may be insurmountable obstacles for some, a new adventure for some, and new opportunities for others. They are all different points of view, after all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago