Call to peace

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Avatar for turuncu
2 years ago
Topics: Peace, Humanity

Recently, thoughts on the war between Russia and Ukraine have been shared in the news, conversations and social media.

Supposedly, nobody wants war and is blaming Russia.

Others say that Ukraine attacked Russia and Russia responded.

Everyone believes they have their own reasons. However, there is no just cause for war.

No country has the right to enter another country's borders with weapons and harm civilians and innocent people.

Human beings, who have made the same mistake countless times over hundreds of years, must now come to their senses.

People should choose those who support peace, not those they see strong. Being strong does not mean using your power to oppress, break or destroy those who are weaker than yourself. This is cruelty. This is bullying. This is brutality. This is the most backward, undeveloped evolutionary side of humankind.

Intelligence is not the most important characteristic of human beings. Along with intelligence, spirituality must also develop. Spirituality is what makes a person human, the main thing that determines the level of human development. It's about valuing others as well as yourself. This is using the ability to empathize with other people. Not hurting anyone, knowing that someone else may suffer, too.

Many people with a savage mentality who persecuted others in history have been in top management. The oppressors have come to power many times. Many tyrannical kings made decisions that put humanity back.

The common word of every oppressor is: "They left us no other choice."

There is always a better and more humane option. We must choose humanity.

We must direct our minds to humane things, to good things, to things that are beneficial to the whole of humanity. To take sides in the war is to support the war. And where there is war, there can be peace if we consider the common good of all humanity.

I wish peace to the Ukrainian and Russian people. May there be peace in the world.

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Avatar for turuncu
2 years ago
Topics: Peace, Humanity
