Inside our skull is a structure called the brain. Nobody knows exactly the function, purpose and mission of this structure. Even though hundreds of thousands of articles and thousands of works have been written over the years, nobody knows much about this structure. Because this damn structure always surprises us and continues to surprise us throughout our lives. It makes us say unfamiliar words in unfamiliar places, make unfamiliar trips at unfamiliar places, make unfamiliar moves in unfamiliar places. Sometimes we cannot even believe ourselves.
In time, a person is left on foot - Poetry
When everything is missed longing does not grow old
Man counts as an ant next to time
Does time ever get old, everything has a time
We will be with time, we cannot be, time always exists
Maybe it's been a time since we happened, who knows
In fact, there are all sorts of ways to be
If we take it singular, we are independent of time
Death comes, we go, time remains
If we take the plural, it is with us from time to time.
People have created time with their existence
There is time until there is only one person left
It does not like loneliness, time is always full of people
If there is no man, he will sacrifice himself, time is a sacrifice
Time is the reason for the heart rust again, healing
Time is full of love, bitter and sweet
When it does not go dry and dry, life should cheer up
One can travel with happiness and love in time
Happiness is a must love is supposed loneliness is not good
Loneliness wears out if it is not a preference
Even time is afraid of loneliness
He knows that time is not afraid in vain
If there is no good life the world will be a dungeon
Life is found guilty as time flows through the dungeon
He should clear life while living, and he should not burden time.
Time is enough to be laundered and to be blamed
He must wind the time correctly, use it correctly
Just like a clock, except time, the hour is nothing
There can be no time outside of life
The human heart is like a set clock
It throws when the time comes, stops when the time is gone
People can go before time
There are many alternatives, he does not look for the lost of time
People look for what they lost in time again.
One cannot find a life beyond time
Time cannot go beyond human
Like air like water, the two are loyal to each other
There is a complaint every once in a while this is also natural.
It was said that this building was a very grifted structure from the past. It was thought that only 10% of the brain was used. In recent developments, it turned out that the brain is all used and is a very stupid structure contrary to what is believed.
The brain is only obliged to protect the body it possesses. It is ready to commit any kind of dishonesty to protect it. When this is the case, the pronoun I and then us is placed in the center of the brain. Fights start after this point. Since every brain is obliged to think about itself and its own interests, it does not consider the other party.
Every person regards himself as the most honest, honest and honorable person in the world. Therefore, you cannot find bad people in the world. Human first thinks of himself and then gets along with those like himself. Groups, tribes, jamaats and ideologies come into being. They believe that they will save the world themselves. They are very good, those who are not themselves are very bad. They are not even aware that they are deceiving themselves.
This is why, since we have the same brain, whoever seizes power falls into the same filth. Naturally they do not differ from each other. This is the natural nature of the goddamn human being. Your friendship with the miller will continue as long as you bring water to the mill.
Another feature of this structure is that whatever you put in it, it will offer you. He's an incredible trader. It evaluates the signals of the ear and the eye very well. Do not give credit to the language's statements of morality, honor and dignity. Brains often do this dishonesty to glorify the body they own. Make sure you will see the benefit.
The brain is a pound and a half mixture of oil and water. Do not take it seriously. When your face laughs, your brain immediately falls for him, he thinks things are fine It prints pure pure serotonin. Laugh at herta bug! If it doesn't work, at least in the neighborhood, they'll say wow on the way to power.
No matter how much the technique improves and the prosperity increases, we will not have a day of peace as long as a sparrow nesting on the roof, as long as we carry this fake in our minds.
The brain is a mystery. You may think but you think the think the way you think.