NFT Journey (Plant Vs Undead)

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Avatar for trimmer339
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto, NFT

Crypto and NFT are things I am not familiar with before. Social media posts and advertisements made me interested in it. I am no fan of research and reading so I did not really look into it. I heard so much about Bitcoin ans Axie but I was so hesitant to pull the trigger and invest money I am not really sure of.

I started to allow myself to indulge in NFT gaming since one member of the family told me that his friend was playing the Plant vs Undead game where you invest and water plants then you earn actual money.

It took me long enough to have the courage to do the game. I waited for a little while to invest because it costs a lot. By the time I invested the mechanics of the game was updated. I realized, I wasn't able to analyze the game well. What I invested was put on hold and I should play the game and abide the rules to earn. Little by little, the game is losing its credibility since there were so many updates but you couldn't convert your assets to actual money.

My interest in it was slowly going down. Odette came and I lost the touch n the game. I haven't played it since the internet connection is so unstable right now.

The game itself is fun. You can fight the undead to gain PVU but on the last update i saw, if you win a battle you will get fragments that later on can be converted into something. In farm 3.0, there's this mini game where different games can be played like, fishing, gathering, forging and more.

If you are only after gaining immediately then don't be hooked into this game. Most of the users in this game are losing their interest since you cannot have immediate return of investment or shall I say dead investment.

Think first before you do investments. Research well and familiarize the background of whatever you are interested in.

Do not rush things since there are plenty of opportunities. You'll lose some in the process but with the right attitude, you'll get it back as soon as you learn to master how it's done

In my point of view, risking is part of life.But with proper research and background to whatever you do, you'll not be risking anything for nothing, you will definitely have something in return. But on the other hand, if you don't do research, you'll have nothing or might as well lose everything in the process.

$ 0.57
$ 0.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Donnabel8.-
$ 0.01 from @Princeyahwe
Avatar for trimmer339
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto, NFT


Same here sir.. I did not understand it still but I am willing to understand so that we can keep pace with the digital age. You are capable of learning it easily. I believe it is your field and keep learning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello sir,thank you for sharing here your stand about NFT gaming.Now I understand why my son is totally hooked to several online games.I realized its positive impact to this training ground we really have to take risk sometimes to learn,to grow and to survive.Life without challenges will be as dim as the night,hehe๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚ sometimes we fail,but every standing up again, we bring with us special lesson,which we can share to our future race.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm starting to do research also based on your experience tro. This may be new to us but slowly by slowly we could understand how this new platforms works. What matter most is we enjoy and have fun doing or could release our stress at the same time we have a little earning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good morning sir. It's nice to know that your interests are into gaming which I can relate to but not that big enough knowledge as I am just an assistant heheheheh anyways, this platform in will help you to know more about NFT games and play to earn by minting or selling your nft's. If you're into digital art, then you discover lot of great things there . Work hard, play hard. Yes! It will take a time but it's going to be worth it when you invest your passion on it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago