My life - story 5

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Written by
3 years ago

Dobro vece dragi moji.Nastavljam dalje sa svojom zivotnom pricom. Tata je mnogo bolestan,noga mu je sanirana,da se ne siri tromboza....ali desava se nesto drugo. Ima rak na grlu...u bolnici je....obilazimo ga svaki dan i bodrimo. Molimo se Bogu, palimo svecu za njegovo zdravlje. To traje vec sest meseci....malo je u bolnici, malo kod kuce.

Lekari kazu, mora pod noz...Moraju mu se preseci glasne zice i ugraditi kanila. To ce mu produziti zivot....dugo vecanje,molbe, ubedjivanje...uporno odbija. I tako prolaze dani i noci, uvek je neka od nas bila budna pored njega.....Konacno mirna noc, spava mirno, ne kaslje, ne gusi se....posmatramo ga kako mirno spava...srecne smo,neka se odmori, lepo naspava. U 2 treba da popije lek, mama ga budi, doziva, mazi po kosi...nista....Uporne smo da ga probudimo, ali nam ne polazi za rukom....dise ali ne otvara oci....uplasene smo. Pozivam hitnu pomoc, dolaze posle sat vremena. Mama ga je u medjuvremenu probudila. Setila se Bogojavljenske vodice i umila ga. Hvala ti Boze! Lekar iz hitne ga je pregledao i rekao,mora u bolnicu, mama je sa njim. Sestra i ja smo kolima sa stricem. Stizemo u Zemunsku bolnicu.Uvode ga u jednu sobu,mama je sa njim...stojimo ispred vrata,osluskujemo...nista se ne cuje....otvaraju se vrata,mama poziva strica da udje....opet taj strah....Sta se desava? Da li je ziv?....drzimo se za ruke i cekamo....konacno, otvaraju se vrata.....Izlaze mama i stric. Mama nas grli i kaze bice dobro, operisace ga. Morala je ona da potpise saglasnost, jer tata nije bio u svesnom stanju. Operacije je bila hitna, i uradjena je odmah....15 min kasnije bilo bi kobno, ugusio bi se......Prosle su dve nedelje....otpustili su ga iz bolnice, rekli su nam da mu je ostalo jako malo od zivota,da su oni ucinili sve...

Ima jedan cas

kad mati tvoja

nemocna stoji u kutu.

Ona je za tobom svoje

ruke poslala.

Stoji mati.

A ruke su joj na putu.

Nastavak sledi...

Hvala sto me pratite.

Good evening, my dears. I continue with my life story. Dad is very ill, his leg has been repaired so that thrombosis does not spread ... but something else is happening. He has throat cancer ... he's in the hospital ... we visit him every day and cheer him on. We pray to God, we burn the saint for his health. It's been going on for six months ... he's a little in the hospital, a little at home. Doctors say he has to go under the knife ... His vocal cords have to be cut and a cannula implanted. It will prolong his life .... long deliberations, pleas, persuasions ... he persistently refuses. And so the days and nights pass, one of us was always awake next to him ..... Finally a quiet night, he sleeps peacefully, does not cough, does not choke .... we watch him sleep peacefully ... we are happy, let rest, sleep well. At 2 he should take the medicine, mom wakes him up, calls him, strokes his hair ... nothing .... We are persistent to wake him up, but we can't do it .... he breathes but doesn't open his eyes .... scared we are. I'm calling an ambulance, they're coming in an hour. Mom woke him up in the meantime. She remembered the Epiphany water and washed it. Thank you God! The doctor from the emergency room examined him and said, he has to go to the hospital, his mother is with him. My sister and I are in the car with my uncle. We arrive at the Zemun hospital. They take him into a room, mom is with him ... we stand in front of the door, we listen ... nothing is heard .... the door opens, mom invites my uncle to come in .... again that fear ....What's happening? Is he alive? .... we hold hands and wait .... finally, the door opens ..... Mom and Uncle come out. Mom hugs us and says he'll be fine, she'll operate on him. She had to sign the consent because Dad was not conscious. The operation was urgent, and it was done immediately .... 15 minutes later it would have been fatal, he would have suffocated ...... Two weeks passed .... they released him from the hospital, they told us that he had left very little of life, that they did everything ...

He has one hour

when your mother

helpless standing in the corner.

She is after you hands sent.

The mother is standing.

And her hands are in the way.

To be continued...

Thanks for following me.

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Written by
3 years ago


All life is a struggle, one end you decide, the other begins to split.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your warm support, which we all need.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad that you decided to continue writing your life story.I know is painful and your family suffered a lot but maybe this writing will also help you to calm your soul.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your support. I'm a little emotional these days.

$ 0.00
3 years ago