Social networking

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1 year ago

Social networking is among the most viral ways of communication these days. There are millions of people from around the world that have gone onto these networking sites and sharing their information, photos, making new friends, tweeting and keeping in contact with everyone. social networking has really made a lot of difference in this world we live in.

If we talk about social networking, it has been around for quite some time. But since social networking has been discovered by billions of people with the launch of various social media sites, it has really become a way of life for many people.

There are now millions of people who are connected by these social networks and all they are doing is just putting their own fb updates. A network where you can share your own blogs, articles, news and other articles that you find on the net or something you have written before. A network where you can get feedbacks and not just likes and comments.

A good example of social networking is facebook. Everyone has their own facebook account and they can connect with anyone they want while they can also share anything they feel like like pictures, videos, music and even news. Facebook has helped a lot of people with their business and life.

The world is evolving very fast with technology and social media taking place. people out there has now connected with each other through social networking and it has really helped them with their life and work. I mean, yes, you can still have your privacy but some things in your life cant be kept as private, one good example is your job which a lot of people are now looking up to. yes, I can almost say that everybody is working these days and you have to be very careful on what you post on the web about yourself because its no longer new for employers to look up to social networking sites for additional information about their applicants. so if you are one of them, here are some tips on how to be safe on social networking sites:

You don't have to tell everything about yourself all over the net. try not to post too much personal information about yourself like how you look like or your address because there are people who might misuse it and take advantage of it.

Just like social networking has its advantage, be aware that it has it disadvantages too. So do use it wisely.

Thanks for reading, I remain the anonymous writer @tifee

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Written by
1 year ago


Social networking has lots of advantages but people now use it to their disadvantage.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yes, some people will purposely make bad use of it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Social networking has really helped a lot, thank God for it cos it's changing life rapidly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yes, i am also a living testimony.

$ 0.00
1 year ago