The Lost Email

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2 years ago

Did you ever have that one important email that's lost under all the other unnecessary emails?

Unfortunately for me, I found one today! It is really frustrating and embarassing because the sender surely waited for my response and it took me too long to reply.

So, today I discovered an email that was sent by my cousin from the US last year on the 20th day of December. It was this time that I struggled to be able go home in Southern Leyte from Cebu because I was really worried for my family in which I hadn't had contact of since the typhoon Odette hit our place. Fast forward and I came back to Cebu, all things start to act like normal, signal and lights were back and so I opened my mobile data using my phone.

During those times, I really don't have an idea that my cousin emailed me with regards to the typhoon and the aftermath it brought to the ancestral house of our parents. Today's only the day that I discovered this lost email. I was really embarassed, I don't know what's the right thing to do but I made sure to reply just as after I read the whole email.

My cousin wanted to know if we're fine, and wants to discuss regarding the rehabilitation of our parent's ancestral house in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte. As you may notice, we're cousins so that means our parents were siblings and that they shared the same home back in the days. Due to the typhoon Odette, the ancestral house was damaged and it looks like this right now.

This is located near the syshore that's why most of the rear side were damaged. Such experience really brought irreversible effects not just to our properties but to our lives as well.

As for me, I don't know if my cousin would still reply, maybe she just don't need my help anymore or what. I can't help blaming myself.

I guess that the lesson learned for today guys is to have separate emails for your personal use and for you work use to avoid having lost emails that may result to responding too late at something that needs immediate attention.

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Thank you for reading! 

With Love and Frustration,

The Author

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2 years ago
