Our neighbour died

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2 years ago

It was 11 PM. I was browsing on my computer when there was a sudden commotion in the hallway. Probably a bunch of merry-makers on a normal Friday evening, I thought. I ignored.

I minded my own business until the constant heavy stomping and chatter bogged my peace. I pretended to get out of my room to use the loo and investigate. There I saw three guys in white-collared top and black pants uniform. Two were having a a serious discussion. The last guy looked busy filling out a paper he was awkwardly trying to complete while standing.

Something was what's up. I didn't bother asking. Would be cheeky I reckon.

Morning, the next day, we received an email from our house officer. Someone died last night. I didn't recognise the name, I barely knew anybody. I am more acquainted with the faces more than the real names of my neighbours. But I was keen to know.

Lunchtime. I was at the kitchen and as soon as another neighbour entered I promptly asked who died. My neighbour said I knew "abc". Of course, I did. Shame. I didn't know what his real name despite multiple encounters and quick chit chat.

How did he die? And how soon was it known for people to realise he was dead, in his room, alone?

Nobody knew. It's confidential, of course. And the result of the query will not be shared to the dwellers.

But we have a theory.

"ABC" was a big man. Not your generous definition of "big". He is up that scale with a BMI above 40. Young, late 30's. He was constantly busy too. I saw him in three different uniforms. And going to work in the wee ours of a cold morning, late in the afternoon or clocking in a graveyard shift. He was a hustler.

We believe, he died a natural death related to chronic disease i.e. Diabetes. No foul play nor self-harm. But even that, you can't help to ask if he was in pain? Did he fight for his life and tried to ask for help?

Has he got a family? His thick Northern accent cues he is not from London.

I passed by to his room this morning and glanced it's secured using two massive padlocks. And after a day or two we will stop talking about his death and move on with our lives.

Just like that.




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2 years ago
