Hello readcash fellow! Read is one form of my stress reliver when pandemic came and other one is Noise Cash, it help me a lot to learn and have additional knowledge about the social media, theres a lot of platform which you can earn while in the comfort of your home, one thing a love about Noise cash and Read cash is youll find a lot of friendly, caring,matured and nice, who will help you understand a lot things about crypto world, before i just know crypto as the type of stone which superman get weak hahaha. Now i know that crypto is one a currency which you can exchange to real money, its nice to earn money even if your not working outside because its still not safe going out now adays becouse of covid19, im just happy to share that in Noise and Read cash we can earn not just money but also virtual friend and it means a lot because we cant go out a lot....happy to have all of you as a friend...takecare and keepsafe😊

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@tesya1325 posted 2 years ago
